Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Sorry But I Need to Vent About the Branch Covidians!

 Sorry But I Need to Vent About the Branch Covidians!

Al Ritter

To give you a little background, I had to go to a specialty doctor on Jan 30, 2022 for a routine visit and got a lot of information about my condition off the “record,” that supported my thought about the Covid vaccine. I got a new appointment for this week with his Nurse Practitioner. 12 hours before the appointment I get a call from one of the office personnel.

She wanted to know my vaccination status, to which I refused to divulge…stating that was between me and my GP, not something I would share with a specialist. Her concern was about the practitioner’s unborn child, but she had no concern about my recent Covid infection that I obviously acquired at their practice.

Every visit with this doctor they ask if I have been vaccinated and at each question I refuse to answer. In fact every medical venue I encounter asks the same question about the vaccination to which I refuse to answer.

Because there is no federal vaccination data base nothing is logged UNLESS you tell them.

The nurse practitioner called me 4 more times under different phone numbers to talk to me about her concern, I refused to answer the call.

I still subscribe to the HIPPA standard that Barack Obama signed into law, and NOBODY deserves an answer under that law, especially employees and restaurants and those equally undeserving of answers.

It seems funny to me that I travelled to NO other venues within 8 days of my last visit to this specific doctor’s office where I had to stay for almost 1 ½ hours for additional tests with at least 25 other patients at the same time.

I acquired Covid not 6 days later and suffered severe symptoms as a result that required me to have additional testing at a local ER.

Obviously her concerns about her unborn child seem to override my recent infection as an elderly patient.

Even though there is NO data on an unborn child reactions neither through the CDC nor the FDA, but there IS with elderly patients I think her reaction is an asinine request and I don’t plan to capitulate with her request.

If it seems that I’m angry…….I AM!

This constant bashing from the Branch Covidians is becoming boring and needs to be addressed, and I won’t tolerate it any longer, I will call in the morning to see if I still have my appointment, if not my doctor that she works under needs to make other accommodations.




Anonymous said...

this is total bullshit and i'd find another doctor

republican patriot said...

actually my real doctor's assessment was 180 degrees what his NP's was

republican patriot said...
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Robert L said...

wonder why she felt the need to invade your privacy, something that I doubt had any bearing on your visit

republican patriot said...

Went in for my appointment and she was quiet as a mouse, said NOTHING about her invasion of my privacy!