Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Gun Control “Science?”

 Al Ritter

I have said since the Covid-19 pandemic that this would only be a trial run to remove the second amendment. I was scoffed at and ridiculed, even labeled a conspiracy theorist. I now see being labeled a conspiracy theorist is a badge of honor, especially when my theory comes to fruition.

Now the CDC has stuck their nose into an area that as far as I can see, is none of their business. That area is the political word of gun control. The Center for Disease Control is not called the Center for Gun Control, nor should it ever be.

The liberal minions have pushed their agenda on the CDC to remove certain studies and facts that don’t fit their agenda to enact stricter gun controls.

The studies they removed were actual statistics mentioned in the annual FBI reports about victims that used their guns in personal and property defense.

You ask what basis the CDC is using to be involved in this issue at all. I told my readers back in 2020 during the Pandemic that if the CDC and FDA could push mandates under the auspice of health safety, then removing the Second Amendment would be the next step.

Well here it is folks, jammed right down your throat.

Watch Video Here:

Articles I’ve written prophesying this issue:


Terri o said...

The CDC should have no say in gun control since guns are not a disease!

Terry S said...

Just more political BS from a three letter agency

Dane386 said...

Ignoring data has NEVER been science!