Friday, February 24, 2023

Leftist Celebrities go from War Protesters to Warmongers

 Al Ritter

The world has certainly gone upside down. What used to be anti-war protesters have now become the champions of pro-war activities through their collective silence.

Some celebrities’ history of protests have gone back as far as the Vietnam wars, who can forget these faces of protest back then?

Later versions of these type protests were prevalent during the Iraq War as celebrities were falling over themselves to protest what they thought were bad actions by our government as one was constantly trying to outdo the other to basically keep their waning careers afloat.

It seems funny to me how the far left Democrats have gone from being the loudest voices in war protests to being mostly silent about the war in the Ukraine. What were once the group that raged against the political machine have now become that establishment that they once hated.

The most glaring example is John Kerry, his testimony in front of Congress about how horrible the military was in the Vietnam era brought anger from his fellow soldiers who coined the phrase “swift boating” to mean lying about the actions of many. He then became Senator, once ran for President, and now the leftist regime gives him the cushy job of “Climate Czar.”

We don’t punish bad actors, we now put them in government.

By their silence we can only assume they support the proxy war in Ukraine.

Where do you stand on the Ukraine war celebrities we needs to know;

Martin Sheen

Susan Sarandon

Sean Penn


Amy Schumer

Jane Fonda

John Kerry

Bill Nye

Bruce Springsteen

Daryl Hannah

Woody Harrelson

George Cooney

Whoopi Goldberg

Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Kimmel

Stephen Colbert

Joy Behar

Ellen DeGeneres

Ted Danson

Leonardo DiCaprio

Danny Glover

Barbara Streisand


Jon Stewart

Jerry Seinfeld

David Letterman 

The very same liberal celebrities that threatened to leave the country if Trump were elected not only failed to follow through on their promise, but refused to give Trump credit for not starting any wars during his administration. 

It’s not like their opinion really matters to me, I’d just like them not to make these hypocritical stances without an audience.

Watch Video here:

Tulsi Gabbard seems to agree with me:






Bob R said...


Anonymous said...

I never could stand Kerry or Fonda! Traitors the pair

Lizzy B said...

Looks like we are fighting yet another rich man's war. All started because of Hunter Biden's involvement with the Ukraine and 10% going to the "big guy"

Billys grand dad said...

Why should an actor's opinion mean anything to any one of us? Their opinion means no more than mine!

Larry S said...

That's because a Republican Ike Eisenhower started the war in Vietnam. While Kennedy and Johnson may have accelerated the war in Vietnam, Ike is the president who actually got our first troops killed there. It's always the same with the Liberals. Do as I say and not as I do.

Barbara B said...

They say what they’re told to say to further the liberal agenda. They know it’s bs.