Monday, February 6, 2023

My Take on Balloongate

 Al Ritter

By now everyone has heard about the Chinese spy/weather balloon that was finally shot down off the coast of South Carolina. Shortly after hearing its location over Montana, we heard of yet another one over Puerto Rico, presumably of Chinese origin also.

Chinese officials were quick to claim it was nothing more than a weather balloon that strayed off course. They apologized and said they respected our sovereign air space.

Because there were two of these balloons in such a short time frame tells me this was no accidental incident.

It has come to light now that 2 of these balloons invaded United States airspace under Trump’s administration. If this is in fact the case, it certainly solidifies my point that China is doing this intentionally.

The question that lingers is why? Are they merely testing our resolve in invading our airspace? Is the balloon really spying on America or is it actually a weather balloon? Is this a test run to see how quickly we would intercept an invader?

There is only one way to find out and that is to bring it down and inspect it. But why wasn’t it brought down in Montana? Surely there wouldn’t be much damage there and especially when it was such close proximity to nuclear missile sites.

The President's #1 job is to protect the citizens and personally I think Biden failed miserably. He is the one that has the final say NOT the Pentagon!

I fear that we the people will never know anything about the balloon’s payload.

In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan….”Trust but Verify.”

Listen to the apology but then see what it really is and if it was a threat to the American people.

Regardless if it was one or the other, a stern warning should be issued to the Chinese Government that if it happens again it will be shot down after entering the 12 mile limit which would be in Alaska.

After all, that is exactly what the Chinese would do of a weather balloon of ours strayed into their airspace.

Read More here:

Clayton Morris's take:

More on Balloons in the Trump years Biden's claim refuted:



Ray in Lubbock said...

I agree 100%, it should have been shot down the minute it came into Alaska air space

Terri o said...

It should have been shot down over the Aleutian Islands immediately!

Bet C said...

It's happened before in the Biden administration over Hawaii last year

Billy Ray said...

Now we find out the Gen Mattis under President Trump purposely didn't tell the President about the balloons under his watch! Can you say Treason?

Sally 3 toes said...

The DoD is saying that the balloon caused no threat to America. How could they tell that from 65,000 ft away?