Wednesday, August 2, 2023

It’s Time for a National Referendum

Al Ritter

We hear it when a new candidate runs for office for either US Senator or Congress, they steadfastly promise their constituents that they support term limits. After in office for a while that promise disappears and life goes on.

The 12th Amendment states the prerequisites to become president including a minimum age and the 22nd Amendment states that a President can serve no more than 2 terms. This was added because of FDR’s abysmal reign from 1933 to 1945 till his death. You see Congress had no problem limiting Presidential terms, but their own hypocrisy has never been lost on me.

Congress as a whole will NEVER vote themselves out of power by way of a Constitutional Amendment. Nor will they put upper age restrictions or either themselves or the Presidency, because if they did one they would have to do the other.

Recent examples where age has become a concern are Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, and Mitch McConnell, just to name a few. Feinstein is so out of it that she refuses to believe she was even hospitalized this year for several months, claiming she was right there voting all the time. Recently she had to be prompted by her aids on how to vote. This isn’t what we signed up for!

The only way to start a national referendum vote. This has never been allowed in the past, only states can do that. The process is to sign a petition for something to be put on the referendum vote at the next election. Then the states put that on the voting ballot and it get approved or rejected based on popular vote.

This would be the only process that could work outside a Constitutional Amendment.

Can you imagine the ability to vote on things such as the Ukrainian War, Term and or age limits to serve in office or any one of the myriad of social problems plaguing our country right now?

It would certainly hand the power back to WE THE PEOPLE wouldn’t it?


Turk 182 said...

It is time that geriatric dementia ridden patients need to be removed from office! And take John Fetterman too!

goshgolly said...

Just more fuel for the belief by the rest of the world that America is now the supreme Clown World.

Judy B said...

Hmmmmmmmmm I always wondered about why we didn't do that, I guess it's the arrogance of the politicians on the federal level

Randy D said...

Politicians for life was never the intent of our forefathers, but you are right Al, how to we get rid of it?

Rob Boh said...

Lookup Article 5 in the constitution. This would give the power of the state legislatures to call a convention. Most folks get scared of this in fear that it would allow other amendments to be added, or abolished. This could not be farther from the truth. It would only be about the specific amendment proposed. In this case (term limits). A good read is Mark Levins "Liberty Amendments" explaining this process in more detail. It has never been used, but it needs to be at this point.

Roger S said...

seems to be a lot of confusion going around in Washington lately!

Joanne S said...

We need term limits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

republican patriot said...

@Rob Boh: If you are talking about a Constitutional Convention yes it has been used before in May 25- Sept. 17th 1787 and it was very radical but it served as the blueprint to establish a federal government system. But the legislature has to rewrite parts or all of it. I'd remind you that it was done in secret also. So we are right back to where we started politicians would have to vote to reduce their own power or terms. It can be a two edged sword!

Debbie G said...

If Feinstein has handed power of attorney to her daughter because she can't handle her own affairs. why is she still in the Senate voting on bills?