Monday, August 28, 2023

Biden Now Wants to use Taxpayer Money on a Covid Vaccine that Finally Works!

 Al Ritter

Ok wait a minute, the National Childhood Vaccination Injury Act of 1986 signed into law basically started as a no fault protection for Big Pharma to create vaccines without fear of certain lawsuits that would arrive from their distribution.

Big Pharma cited that so much R&D was being put into these “safe and effective” vaccines that very little in profit came back to the inventors. As a result the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created in 1986 along with the VAERS reporting panel. The NVICP was a government funded program to pay back for adverse reactions and even death for said vaccines. These payouts would be overseen by the United States Court of Federal Claims and by special masters.

So much for the background of this insidious Vaccination Act.

So let’s just backtrack a little. Big Pharma basically balked at the lack of profit based on the vaccine for the DPT vaccine, because of the immense lawsuits created from and obviously dangerous vaccine. So as a result they demanded a so called no fault insurance from the government shielding them from liability to protect their profits.

Fast forward to today, that no fault claims center is basically non-existent the VAERS center is a joke as hospitals had threatened doctors and nurse for even reporting incidents even though it IS the law!

Nowhere in this Vaccination Injury Act does it say that government will actually fund the development of vaccines…..NOWHERE! We gave them immunity not funding!

But here’s Biden allocating funds to be paid to Big Pharma for this new variant. The funniest part of the Yahoo article is where he says….”that is necessary and works!” We all know the last one didn’t Joe!

I don’t know about you, but this really upsets me especially after the record breaking profits of Pfizer and Moderna to the tune of $51 billion dollars! Think about that for a minute, that equates to $65,000 a minute!

If $51 billion can fund the Ukraine war for 6 months I think that Pfizer and Moderna can fun their own damn R&D!

Read More here:


Terri o said...

Well at least Biden admits that the last vaccines didn't work!

Turk 183 said...

So what guarantee will we get that the next one will work after all the lies about the first one that didn't? The trust is GONE!

AnnaBa said...

Why doesn't this piece of trash use his own money on this poison he is killing us with.

Reesey48 said...

BIDEN wants to manipulate the next election with more LIES

Geo said...

Admitting that he forced a vaccine on many, that didn’t work!
And used taxpayer money!

Sheila2ConserveLiberty said...

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£Like anyone is going to believe this pathological liar at this point!! YGTBK!!!!!

Marty F said...

Biden deserves to be banned/arrested/fired just like the others who told us that The Jab doesn't work.

kdhpamp60 said...

To test the vaccine, inject Xiden, his whole CRIMINAL family, and every GODLESS DEMONRAT and RINO TRAITOR. Then, if they don't live, you know not to get it for you and your family!!