Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Not This Crap Again!

 Al Ritter 

Here we go again folks, Covid on the resurgence! It’s not bad enough that they lied to us about the efficacy rate of the last Covid vaccine, and now senile Joe has told us that we are investing taxpayer dollars on a new Covid Vaccination and he added this time for one that works!

We had at least a little data on randomly controlled trials on the first Covid-19 Vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna even if they were being hidden from public scrutiny. At least now we can see what an utter failure that vaccine was.

Rather than a pandemic of the unvaccinated as was first reported by Joe Biden and later reinforced by Anthony Fauci, we are now seeing data that shows that the vaccinated are now super spreaders of the variants.

These reports show that a vaccinated person is 200 times more likely to spread Covid and its variants than an unvaccinated person.

It’s also been proven (even before the pandemic) that masks don’t show ANY benefits in preventing the spread of Covid or any viruses for that matter.

Still the CDC and FDA are clinging to things that are NOT actually supported by science.

Now we hear this week that the FDA has given Emergency Use Authorization of a new mRNA vaccine with virtually NO clinical trials whatsoever! This farce of a vaccine has even been approved for infants 6 months and above!

The fact that the general public are mindless idiots that we commonly refer to as “sheeple.”

You see them daily, still riding in cars alone wearing masks, walking alone on the street with masks, and yes even Whoopi Goldberg reporting to her View compadres on a facetime call alone in her bedroom with a mask on.

I must admit America is full of these sheeple…..just because the government told you to do something will you do so without question?

Reminds me of a question my mother used to ask. ”If Billy were to jump off a cliff, would you?”

I know that I’m damn well not jumping off that cliff, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!

I will NOT comply again!

Read More here:



Bet C said...

They actually have the gall to ask us to trust them again!

Terri o said...

Biden said that this time the vaccine will work! REALLY

Turk 182 said...

Maybe I am missing the point, but please tell me, what incentive does Big Pharma have to produce something that works and is safe?