Thursday, April 18, 2024

Are We Really a United States of America?

Al Ritter

In the past decade I have wondered if we are actually a United States. The partisan politics have driven us much farther apart than we have even been as a nation. Unlike in Civil War times when we were divided by geographic areas such as North and South.

Now our divide is seen as Conservative and Liberal. Issues are driving us apart as a group, the law abiding vs. lawlessness, energy independent vs. green energy, climate change believers vs climate change deniers, open border promoters vs. legal immigration constitutionalists.

Everything that seems to be in contention seems to come from the left and right coastal states vs. the interior of America. There has even been talk about secession of some states from the union, and even some conservative areas of one state leaving for another state.

So the question is, are we united at all in America?

In the past the thing that united us as a country was a war, and to a degree that even exists today with the neocon movement. Nothing pulls a country together faster than a common enemy, but is this the path we really want to be travelling?

This divisiveness started with the Obama Administration and still continues today. When Obama declared White Americans as the sworn enemy of everyone of color it banded many ethnic groups together in a common fight against the so called white colonization of the western world.

The recent influx of illegal immigration has now diluted the American Culture to the point of acceptance of the very foreign influences those people sought to escape. They refuse to assimilate and make demands of America to change to their will and not the other way around.

It’s a sad state of affairs in this country right now and unless some radical changes are made in 2024 I see our country going the way of the Roman Empire.

Watch Tulsi Gabbard here: 


Patriot in PA said...

Yea we should be called the Divided States of America because it more accurately describes our state of decline.

Terri o said...

You also have the pro-life v abortion rights, wokeism, transgenderism and anti-Israel. This country has a lot of healing to do to become United!

Christmas Candy said...

The media SKEWS our united spirit by pushing ragetastic over reasonable. The DNC lights and fuels the fires of diversity to divide us.

The GOP low energy and it's voters too lazy compared to the busy body leftist activists.

A mere 10% of our population keep us divided by politics. The majority want to be left alone and expect our government to keep the peace. Not agitate us endlessly to grab power by permanent revolution aka Marxism. 80% journalists LEFTISTS. 80% doctors LEFTISTS. Lawyers and academics probably the same. Hollywood definitely. Even churches too PC to offer us help to thwart the hellish stupidity of real life loser Karl Marx.

SO WHAT CAN WE DO? Two things...
1. Force yourself to bring a new voter to the GOP 2024. 50 million skipped voting in 2020.

2. Save souls in Jesus and remind them to live and VOTE God's word John 14:15. Simple 10 Commandments would take preversion, baby murder, alternative lifestyles marriages, ect. off of the table and force the DNC to reform.

BOTH parties CHRISTIANS stop hating God and His word as you vote. In that private voting booth have some guts to give God the glory instead of your party.