Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What Does the Center for Disease Control have to do with the Second Amendment?

 Al Ritter

Ever since the 2020, the Covid era, I have been worried about the massive control the government had over the public under the guise of a “health crisis.” I even alluded to such when I foresaw the coming wave. I said in previous articlesand here that if the government had such power in the health sector that shortly they would use “health safety” to effectively remove the Second Amendment.

Never in my wildest imagination did I even consider that the CDC would be the last hold out to limit the Whitehouse’s influence on defensive gun statistics. The FBI has statistics on gun defense but I’m certain with the politicization of the FBI those stats have now been removed also.

The whole crux of the situation revolved around the CDC’s stats claiming that over 2.5 million times guns were successfully used in defensive acts per year. An advocacy group “Gun Violence Archives” that promotes stricter gun laws started to contact the CDC in 2022 about how they thought the CDC’s number were wrong and their stance was that in only 1000 cases were guns used to in self-defense per year.

These individuals doggedly went after the CDC to change their stats and time after time they were denied. It was then that this group went around the CDC directly to the Whitehouse and offered their point of view which of course the Biden Administration took and ran with. The Whitehouse eventually pressured the CDC to replace the stats with a promise to do more studies.

This flies in the face of every study that was done on the matter including a study ordered by then President Obama which stated 3 million defenses per year.

Now that the Whitehouse has control of the CDC on gun control everything from now on will be considered “Gun Science.”…..Follow the science right?.......Where have we heard that lie before?

Watch Video here:


Betsyross said...

Just another way to circumvent the 2nd amendment under the false narrative of health concerns

Turk 182 said...

The propaganda this government inflicts upon us is NOT what our forefathers envisioned for this country, it's very sad.

Gunny2012 said...

I fear we will lose the second amendment unless conservative Constitutionalists prevail

Ray in Lubbock said...

Covid sure made inroads to massive mandates in the name of health, so this is no big surprise