Thursday, June 6, 2024

More Lies, this Time about Rafah

 Al Ritter

Ever wonder why the Western Governments warned Israel not to go into Rafah? It struck me as curious as to why that would be the only city that Israel would be told “hands off.”

We may now have an answer to that, but you won’t hear about it in the MSM.

The Philadelphia Corridor is the border between Egypt and Gaza, and for years we have been told that border has been locked down to Palestinians wanting to enter Egypt. These new discoveries may just prove that to be a lie.

It appears as though the corrupt President el-Sisi of Egypt has been raking in millions by extorting wealthy Palestinians for entry into his country.

When the IDF invaded Rafah just last week a discovery was made that shocked everyone. Some 50 more tunnels were discovered running underneath the Egypt/Rafah border. These weren’t like the tunnels found elsewhere in Gaza, these tunnels were large enough to allow military vehicular travel.

President el-Sisi had warned Israel if they invaded Rafah the treaty between Israel and Egypt will be null and void. Egypt has close ties with Qatar which is known as a safe haven to high ranking Hamas officials, and so we can now connect the dots. Hamas and Qatar are also friendly with Iran.

The IDF has discovered that not only have military vehicles been smuggling weapons in from Iran in these underground tunnels but Hamas hostages may have also been smuggled out.

This locked down border between Egypt and Gaza has obviously been a farce to the western governments. In one way no asylum seekers from Gaza have been allowed into Egypt unless President el-Sisi gets a healthy cut. But traffic certainly goes in the other direction in the way of munitions.

This exposes so much corruption in Egypt and America that nobody could comprehend it immediately.

I have been telling you for months how Biden is funding both sides of this war, and this pretty much confirms it.

Watch the video here:



Turk 182 said...

So many hidden alliances that we didn't see!

BrandGin said...

There is only 1 reason the western countries did not want Rafah invaded and this is IT..IT DOES NOT SURPRISE ME WHAT SO EVER

Rory G said...

I learned everything I wanted to know about Muslims on 9/11. Turn their countries into a glass factory!

Ryleegirl123 said...

They’ve always lied…..the hospital Hamas almost bombed attacking Israel, the refugee centers…clearly bombed long before their accusations, the fake ‘dead’ doll kids….we saw ‘victims’ in hospitals who were never there……they are liars…..Israel does not bomb kids unless Palestinians allow their paid off Hamas to use them as shields…..and then lie about the numbers……it’s just what they do…..Government propaganda to go along with Government paid protestors…..taking Israel down has been satans goal since time began….because they are Gods people….FIRST NATION …first creation…....why Palestinians from the land of Jordan hate them……and 85% of them approved the attack on Israeli children…..NEVER did they realize God would never put up with that……they would have if they read a Bible…..same as US paid Iran attack on Israel……the missiles were stopped mid air by GODS army angels…..the helicopter went down when he cursed Israel……God warns about that in His Word……when the world finds out the Governments plots to end and vilify Israel over the decades their eyes will open as to WHY Satan MUST remove Gods remnant to destroy Gods plan for mankind………why would it be so hard to believe God with what they are doing to everyone else?…anti semites would rather just hate God and His word than look around and see they are also being killed off….God Bless the Christian Muslims hiding among the persecutors and keep them safe……May many many more see the light of Jesus touch their lives…..ISRAELS orders are to remove the terrorists like they were supposed to do in the Book of Joshua…..this time they are obeying God, before they seep into every Nation of the world to be used by the Governments to steal, kill and destroy it all for their agenda……

Terri o said...

Isn't the Biden administration complaining of outside interference in our political arena but ok to interfere in other countries!!! Hypocrite!