Friday, June 14, 2024

Past Presidents and Illegal Deportation claims

 Al Ritter 

For years there has been a claim going around about how President Herbert Hoover deported millions of illegal immigrants to give jobs to American workers.

Similar claims were made about Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The facts rest with the actually census data from the times mentioned.

Hoover actually made inroads to the expose the horrors of abuse the illegals endured and gave them a voice. However each of these three Presidents struggled with the illegal immigration problem, in fact I’m sure ALL Presidents from Hoover forward had to deal with these problems.

Although these claims sought to bolster the idea that if past Presidents deported a huge amount of illegals then Donald Trump’s desire to deport 13 million can’t be that far-fetched of an idea.

Here are the real numbers of deportation or threats of deportation from each administration. These numbers are reported by census and presidential libraries.

Hoover…….. 121,000


Eisenhower ..2,100,000

These figures are a far cry from 13 million in the original claims.

Whatever happens as a result of the 2024 election mass deportation would be a monumental undertaking especially because some countries refuse to take their citizens back.

Some proponents say it would be impossible to roundup all the illegals in our country, but it might be easier than they first thought, because they are promised food, lodging, cell phones, and other social services. All things of this nature are easily tracked.

One thing is certain, this unchecked flow of un-vetted illegals must stop!

Read More Here:


jarhead said...

I can't wait to see what Trump will do in 2025 about getting rid of these freeloaders!

Kathy R said...

It's been a problem for many Presidents, but a country without borders isn't a country at all!

Ray in Lubbock said...

On such a monumental decision on whether to have open borders or not, I would have thought Congress was to make that decision and not a dementia patient in the Whitehouse!