Friday, September 13, 2024

Just another Campaign stop for Harris masquerading as a Debate

Al Ritter

Everyone has been asking for my take on the Presidential Debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Tuesday September 10th. Be careful what you wish for readers because I’m about to be very blunt.

Harris started out pretty cocky as she walked over and shook Trump’s hand and “introduced herself” as if they had never met before. (Pictured above)

Her handlers had coached her very well before the event, she did seem focused and serious for a change rather than her cackling word salad producing natural self.

Trump wasn’t just debating Harris but also the two so called journalists. While they supposedly “fact checked” Trump's statements and claimed them false, which were later proven to be true, they allowed Harris to blatantly lie in her statements and never fact checked her once.

She tried the old tired long debunked statement about the Charlottesville speech Trump gave citing “fine people on both sides.” She compared the Jan 6th riot to violence not seen since the Civil War. This was massively disrespectful to all the victims of 9/11, especially since the eve of the Remembrance of 9/11 the very next day.

Harris claimed that crime has been down under the Biden Harris administration, but not according to her own Department of Justice figures that just came out but never “fact checked” by the two “journalists” at the debate. Average figures hover close to a 40% increase in the last 4 years.

Harris claimed that yes the cost of living has raised, but the Biden Harris Administration is not to blame

Trump correctly stated that late term abortions were allowed in 8 democratically run states, including Minnesota where Tim Walz serves as Governor and yet the so called journalists and Harris both incorrectly claimed that Trump’s statement was false.

Whenever Trump was making a good point the Moderators interrupted him and said ok let’s move on we have lots of issues to cover. This happened multiple times.

This was just another campaign stop for Harris, but let’s address another issue.

Trump knew going into this debate that it wouldn’t be fair, Trump knew it would be biased and yet he has accepted two debates, one with Biden and one with Harris in unfriendly territory. My question to Trump would be. ”Why in the hell did you agree to two debates in biased territory, and then complain about the outcome?”

Kamala feels empowered now for another debate and Trump has said he won’t do another debate.

My personal opinion is that he should do another one but on Fox News, and say …Hey we’ve done two on your terms now we will do one on mine!

Harris’s claim on abortion:

Harris’s lies but never fact checked:

The debate is now being called a campaign contribution by ABC:



Anonymous said...

I thought this last debate was Trump's worst. He should have known that Kamala was going to fabricate and distort facts and the moderators were going to come to their rescue but when the moderators purposely distort and generally just lie about every "fact checked" comment is B.S. and the GOP should never again agree to a debate unless FOX or Newsmax get one as well.

republican patriot said...

@Unknown, AMEN!

Turk 182 said...

I don't know ANY rationally thinking person that would have considered that a debate especially because of the fraudulent fact checkers!

Magnoliashere said...

He is pointing to her sleeve. Backup wiring in case something goes wrong with earrings. That is why she wears those jackets and hair always the same.

Rochellele Mc B said...

Makes sense. Disney owns ABC, and since Disney is going down the tubes at lightning speed, it stands to reason that it would take ABC down with it.

David R said...