Thursday, September 26, 2024

Zuckerberg is all in on November Election

Al Ritter

It was just 4 short years ago Zuckerberg was betting $400 million dollars on the fact that Joe Biden would be elected to be President of the United States.

His image was tarnished not only in that expenditure but also how he handled what he now calls “strong arm tactics” of the Biden Administration to censor speech on his platform. In the last two months Zuckerberg has tried to distance himself from the Democratic Party, but why?

Maybe he sees the writing on the wall about his company’s future if Donald Trump is elected, maybe he sees the possibility of title 230 disappearing if somehow the Republicans take the Senate too. What is puzzling however is his move to declare himself a Libertarian. I think he believes that to be a middle of the road position and adds to his personal perception as a victim of the Biden Administration rather than a willing participant.

If you recall Bill Gates suffered a similar fate after his vaccination debacle in Africa. His image was so tarnished he hired a strategist to find a way out. This strategist suggested that he start the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This has been successful to a degree but Gates never fully recovered his reputation, but then bad people never really do.

Now Zuckerberg is attempting to do the same thing, repair and already questionable reputation by hiring a Republican strategist.

Will it work for him to avoid any future investigations by government? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, I wouldn’t want to be him for the next four years, especially if Harris wins. If that happens she will view him as a turn coat.

Either way it should be fun to watch!

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Terri o said...

He is such a loser and always will be!

Natalie179 said...

Such a disgusting little man, he trying his best chameleon impression right now to avert attention from his past failures

Anonymous said...

He even looks like an alien, for god sake hire a hair stylist, you look like a Pedo!

Ohnonono said...

Even though Gates and his ex-wife started a foundation it still doesn't cast him or her in a better light based on their views on eugenics. While we are on that subject why should ANYONE with views like that be allowed to be involved in vaccines in any form?

Kevin said...

He looks like a toad