Monday, September 30, 2024

Your Opinion Means Nothing!

Al Ritter

As I have said in many previous articles that Narcissistic Personality Disorder has taken over society. What was once and outlying disorder has now reached a massive pandemic level.

Some experts are saying that as many as 30% of our population exhibits mild to severe traits associated with NPD. That can mean that 34 million people in America are in the NPD spectrum, personally I think that figure is low and reality is much, much higher.

Let’s review for a moment, they have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They lie constantly and sometimes to no direct benefit to the situation. They discount your value to anything, in relationships in business dealings and social settings. They think that nobody else can have a more important opinion other than their own.

They are the product of a society that rewards participation more than achievement. They were the product of parents that always told them they were special and better than anyone else even though they weren’t.

This isn’t just a problem in America, this problem is spreading like wild fire throughout the world especially the EU right now. The ruling elitists have grown stronger through media, through education, and through the expenditure of their personal fortunes to inflict their world view on the masses. The Covid-19 pandemic was a mere test run to see how quickly the elitists could gain massive control of the world and the results were devastating.

We are being told what to say and what to think now through censorship and educational indoctrination. We are told that it is bad to have borders, we are told it’s bad to have opinions that don’t match theirs. The preach inclusion but offer none.

Effectively one half of the population is telling the other half that their opinion is worthless, and it comes in the form of “Misinformation” or “Disinformation.” They tell us that our founding documents are not “absolute,” and are either considered a living document free to be changed at will or ignored totally. They think that their research and investigation on issues is absolute and can’t be questioned….remember “Follow the science?” Even when there was no actual scientific basis? You can’t ignore half of your population’s opinion, this is how Civil Wars start, and believe me when I say were are headed that way like down a mine shaft if something doesn’t change soon.

I was amazed recently when having dinner with a couple of liberal guests on how excited they were to get the newest greatest Covid booster, and placed Fauci on a pedestal as a godly being. It boggles my mind to see people who are so blind to obvious facts 5 years later when all the data is surfacing.

They use their power and money to achieve their goals through backdoor methods that borderline on circumventing the law in many cases. They pick and choose who they prosecute and what laws to enforce and which ones to ignore.

Watch this video with Victor Davis Hanson and Mike Rowe on the direction of our society:




Pelham 123 said...

This is why this election is so important. It's more important to have fair elections too because as the US goes so goes the world. If Trump isn't elected our country will be lost, we will become just one more weak European Nation in the world view, and war will come upon us

Bet C said...

The reign of terror that the Democrats have perpetrated on the American people since the Obama era is treasonous

Anonymous said...

i'm a pure-blood & as the commercial says:
"and your heart [and oncologist] will thank you"...

unfortunately i still know too many people who's response to the next unsafe & ineffective fascist fauci financed flu commie cold bioweapon cancer express clot shot will be "left or right arm"?...

Turk 182 said...

I think it all speaks to the republican party not wanting to be the ones to rock the boat and not cause waves, and as a result the Democrats feel emboldened to ride rough shod over the opposing party. They will however push the Conservatives too far and that time might be coming soon, you can only piss off someone so much until something snaps, and that rubber band is getting pretty tight!