Thursday, June 10, 2021

Corona Virus IS Manufactured!


Corona Virus IS Manufactured!

Al Ritter

What we now know about the Corona Virus:

Corona Virus was a very run of the mill virus until it was modified by Gain-of-Function, a.k.a. “weaponization.” It has a structure built into the spike protein to make the cell open up to the infection. This double sync gene splicing is a common trick used in Gain-of-Function labs and leaves no doubt that this IS man-made. The second thing that gives away its origin is that the cell came “pre-optimized,” yet another trick used in Gain-of-Function labs.

In a study done by two Professors Steven Quay and Richard Muller at the University of California, the sole purpose was to look for markers that prove one way or the other if the Covid-19 was man-made or not. Their purpose in the study was not to place blame on anyone but merely looks for markers. As you can see they found two markers commonly used in Gain-of-Function labs.

What we don’t know about the Corona Virus:

We still don’t know the lab that produced it nor do we even know what country it was produced in.

Watch the Video of Richard Muller here:


Anonymous said...

The people who did this needs to be held accountable and prosecuted!

Bud S said...

do you think we will ever know the whole truth?