Thursday, June 3, 2021

Doctors Saying Covid Vax May Kill More Than Covid Itself!


Doctors Saying Covid Vax May Kill More Than Covid Itself!

Al Ritter

An alarming number of doctors are now saying that the experimental nanotechnologies marketed as the cure for Covid-19 could kill 10 times more people than the virus itself.

Estimates are ranging from 15-20 million deaths due to this poison they are injecting. Dr. Byram Bridle is a Professor of Viral Immunology, and is claiming that the spike protein is a very dangerous toxin…. “We have made a big mistake!”

He claims that every organ in the body will be attacked by this spike protein and the weakest organ will not survive.

We have spoken to “deniable plausibility” in the past, and it works like this. Maybe 3 weeks down the road a recipient of the Covid-19 vaccine passes away. Doctors will claim that the patient would have died anyway from their own comorbidities. Those same doctors will claim that each patient is dying from some random problem that has caused organ failure. Brain tumors, reproductive organs, blood clotting, pancreas failures and heart problems.

Pro-vaxers like Dr. Fauci are claiming that the vaccine is the only way to stop the infection rate. What he hasn’t admitted is that this slow internal destruction is killing people at an alarming rate and to be honest it will never be traceable. “Deniable Plausibility.”


Read More Here:


Michelle G said...

Wow that's scary!

Turk 182 said...

I see that Israel is experiencing this already!