Monday, August 30, 2021

It Seems That the New Political Battlegrounds are the School Boards


It Seems That the New Political Battlegrounds are the School Boards

Al Ritter

The new battleground is our schools and even though most school board members are appointed rather than elected they seem to be making the rules for students devoid of logic or even science.

The school boards seem to be reporting to State Officials on actual real doctors and threatening to remove their state licenses if they refuse to tow the official State line.

One doctor has refused to tow that line and as a result he removes his posts in 48 hours in fear for repercussions.

Other people know that mask mandates have nothing to do with “science” but only politics and they are fighting the school boards that are mandating draconian measures that have no basis in actual science.

Some state legislators are fighting against School board appointees who are normally union teacher’s leaders, and want to force actual elections of board member……….what a novel idea!

He said the following:

Our first meeting in Harford County was a success.


Parents all over the nation are standing up to oppose onerous curricula and mandates that are hurting our children. Our initiative will create legislation to allow the voters to decide. But we still need your help and input to make this effort a success.

  • The Superintendent is in charge of the education of our children.
    Shouldn’t you have a say who is chosen?
  • The Superintendent controls 50% of the County budget.
    Shouldn’t you have a say who does the controlling?
  • Superintendents are typically members of the Teachers Union, Administration, or have been in the school system for many years.
    Shouldn’t we consider selecting someone outside the (broken) system?
  • Salary and benefits of a superintendent are negotiated in secret:
    It should be publicly discussed/determined, perhaps by legislation, what these will be?
  • The policy preferences and educational ideas of candidates for superintendent are presently only known to a selection committee.
    Shouldn’t the public know this before hiring?
  • Superintendent candidate pools are usually nationwide.
    Shouldn’t we be looking at someone familiar with our school system already?

The school system in Baltimore and Harford Counties have not been answerable to students, parents and taxpayers, so we need to hear from you on further crafting legislation to have an elected County School Superintendent; who will be held accountable.


Meeting details are below.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

6:30 to 9:00 pm


Cub Hill Bible Presbyterian Church

2927 Cub Hill Road

Parkville, MD 21234


Things have gotten so out of control that some School Board members in various states are quitting in fear of repercussions and death threats because they no longer want to be part of the political mandates and non-scientific demands of the government!


These are the people indoctrinating our children and we should have a right to choose who they are!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at the problems with the last 2 Baltimore County Superintendents!