Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Two Bizarre Stories from One Strange Man in the Same Speech


Two Bizarre Stories from One Strange Man in the Same Speech

Al Ritter

We all heard the creepy speech from Biden about his hairy legs and how kids liked to touch them, but recently we have heard another strange story about “Corn Pop” a so called gang leader In Wilmington DE and supposedly how Biden faced him down and made friends with him.

Well that Corn Pop story was told on the very same day about two years ago at a public pool in Wilmington, but we hadn’t really heard about it until recently.

With Biden’s stories usually comes a certain amount of fabrication. His claims are usually unprovable because it takes him so long to relate them to the public.

I’m sure you remember the stories of how he graduated at the top of his class from law school with a full scholarship, which neither were true.

How he claimed that people could talk to him at a local diner anytime they wanted, but that diner had been closed for almost 15 years.

How he was forced from Presidential runs twice for plagiarisms.

We won’t even touch bases on his constant racist comments, but he’s had plenty!

One thing has remained constant throughout his political career, his habitual lying, falsehoods and fabrications, certainly one thing that most Democratic politicians have in common.

Here’s the hairy leg video:

Here’s the Corn Pop video where he lures children to get closer:

Read More Here:


Anonymous said...

At least he has been consistent in one thing!

Turk 182 said...

and the scary part is, he was the best the Democratic Party could put forward!

Bud S said...

I have gotten to the point where I don’t believe a word he says