Monday, August 9, 2021

Might be Wise for Gov Hogan to Remember They Hung Mussolini


Might be Wise for Gov Hogan to Remember They Hung Mussolini

Al Ritter

It’s not a far stretch to remember how Hogan blurted out “just wear the damn mask” even though there is no basis for that mandate, masks have never stopped viral transmissions, but that never stopped him!

Now in equally crude vernacular he is saying “just get the damn vaccine.” Never mind that people have a choice what gets injected into their body, never mind it’s still an experimental drug that might not be approved until 2024 or later. Never mind that there are over 500,000 cases of adverse effects from the vaccine on the VAERS site. Never mind that blood clots are becoming the norm for younger and younger patients. The very least susceptible to the Covid-19 ages 2-18 are now being encouraged to take the vaccine for what purpose we have no idea.

It wasn’t bad enough when Hogan locked down the state in May of last year promising it would only take 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Hogan rented the Convention Center as a temporary Covid Hospital which was staffed round the clock only to treat some 20 patients at the cost of $1 million per day, not to count the lost income for the Convention Center who had to take only what the State of Maryland was willing to pay.

Let’s not forget the $12 million debacle of Hogan and his Wife buying the defective test kits from South Korea because he was acting so childish in his interaction with President Trump. If anyone is selfish it’s Hogan for taking the “Orange Man Bad” syndrome to a whole new level, and putting Marylanders at risk.

Hogan passed over 100 million in spending for Covid relief which rarely reached Mom and Pop stores but constantly funded the big box stores.

He offered loans to small businesses to tide them over until after Covid subsided, but the businesses were leery because they had no idea how they would pay off those loans with no money coming in. Later he turned those loans into grants leaving businesses out in the cold once again.

In the beginning of his lockdown Hogan gave the initial order but then turned the ultimate power over to the 24 County Executives all with their own opinions and health departments, what could possibly go wrong here? Does the phrase “too many chefs spoil the soup” ring a bell? Now these 24 other little dictators have grasped the power they never really had and now THEY don’t want to give it up either. In April Hogan tried to reel back in some of the mandates he made but was unsuccessful because of the power he gave to them.

Now here’s Hogan threatening to shut down once more and start wearing masks because the unvaccinated are selfish. Once again he continually refers to himself as one of our “leaders.”

This true RINO needs to be reminded that he is merely a hired representative of Maryland, and to assume he is our leaders is merely arrogant. He boasts about his approval rating in Maryland, well of course, Maryland is mostly liberal. That will help him very little in the 2024 Presidential primary, because of course he believes in his own mind that he’d make a wonderful President. Hopefully he flops as much as Martin O’Malley did in his run.

He is now pushing businesses to make their own policies as to masks vaccines etc., but that’s just more of the same…government getting private businesses to do their dirty work.

Remember Mussolini Gov Hogan!

'We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.' George Orwell, 1984


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Anonymous said...

Damn it! Just do it because I said so!

Anonymous said...

OMG!...they even look alike!

Turk 182 said...

The way he's been sucking up to Biden and CNN maybe he's getting ready to switch parties!

Anonymous said...

He came in a savior then turned on his own people, I see the analogy!

Bud S said...

He may be the worst ever