Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Democrats Pretend to Hold the High Moral Ground

 Democrats Pretend to Hold the High Moral Ground

Al Ritter

It seems funny to me that the Democrats claim that there was absolutely no voter fraud in the 2020 election when there is now documented proof that there was by way of the movie 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Sousa. Certain Federal Judges threw out all challenges to the election, not because there was no proof but instead for a claim of “Lack of Standing,” which we know is their catch phrase for, “I don’t want to be bothered because I was appointed by a Democratic President.”

Suddenly 2020 was in the Democrats eyes as the most secure election in history, when just a few years before in 2016 they were claiming fraud and the election was stolen from them. Funny how that charge was led by Hillary (sour grapes) Clinton who to this day clings to her made up story about Russian collusion. She along with Democratic operatives made up the whole story, and fed it to the FBI which led to the Mueller investigation that cost the taxpayer 10’s of Millions of Dollars only to find that no only was there no proof of that claim, but later to find out from the Durham investigation the whole story was made up by the Clinton campaign.

Not only have the Democrats claimed that the Trump election was fraudulent, but going back in time to dig up the George Bush election as fraudulent. Jimmy Carter the second worse President of all time claims that election was stolen to this day!

So how exactly can the 2020 election suddenly become the most secure in history according to the Democrats? Because they did the stealing!

See Video here:


Turk 182 said...

Hillary needs to be in JAIL not running for office!

Bud S said...

Yes they did

Tom L said...

Funny how the Republicans actually had proof of voter fraud but the Dems never did

Suzie L said...

Dems have never held the moral high ground on ANYTHING!