Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Who is the Real Thief?

 Who is the Real Thief?

Al Ritter

Joe’s doing a lot of finger pointing lately trying to assign blame, but what is the real story here?

Biden is now placing blame on the small gas station businesses, about they are greedy and keeping the profits to themselves while America suffers. As I said in a previous article   69% goes to the purchase of the crude oil product, refining is 8%, and 5% for transportation and profits for the oil company. The Mom and Pop gas station on the corner makes 2.5 cents a gallon.

The biggest thieves of all in this whole debacle is the Government, Federal Government gets 18.4 cents a gallon in gasoline tax but they take 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel! Why is Diesel more? This does nothing but drive the price of delivered goods by tractor trailer to the end user.

Now let’s add on the tax by the States, some are over 40 cents per gallon. Maryland in its infinite wisdom offered a one month gas tax “holiday,” to turn around this month and raise the gas tax to 43 cents a gallon. SOME GAS TAX HOLIDAY!

So in Maryland for instance, Federal and State tax amounts to 61.4 cents per gallon, and Diesel taxes amount to 67.4 cents a gallon.

Now please repeat to the people Joe who the real thief is.

Read more here:





Bob S said...

The Government has always been the ones that benefit the most with no cost or risk involved as far as gasoline is concerned

Bud S said...

We all know who the real thief is

Tracey said...

It just shows how truly ignorant he is, the station owners make the least per gallon of anyone