Saturday, June 24, 2023

Biden’s Magic Train and the 25th Amendment

 Al Ritter

If it wasn’t so sad it could have been funny, but the mental decline of Joe Biden has now gone into mythical proportions.

I watched this week as Rep.Lauren Boebert introduced articles of impeachment on President Joe Biden, and I wondered if this was the path that should be travelled. I don’t mean about impeachment, but what her articles included.

She cited his massive failure at the southern border, a failing economy, the military etc. etc. I wondered as many of you have why they weren’t pursuing the 25th Amendment as a pathway to remove him due to his unfitness for the office, based on his clear mental decline.

Here is what I found, first off the President himself has to either step down or the Vice President has to declare him unfit, neither of which I can see happening. Second, the heads of 8 of the cabinet leaders out of 15 have to declare him unfit (like that would ever happen, after all he gave them their jobs.) If those hurdles aren’t high enough here’s the kicker. Two thirds of both houses have to declare him unfit. If that were all to happen the Vice President would take over.

Buttttttttttt if the President sends a letter to congress stating he is just fine and he can go on to be reinstated as President. The Vice President would have to declare him unfit once again and the process repeats itself and the results would have to be the same to have him removed.

As you can see the unfitness clause is a joke and could never successfully be carried out.

As a result the only avenue is impeachment and if successful still doesn’t actually remove a sitting president, but is merely the first step that always ends with a two thirds vote in both houses. It’s a vicious merry-go-round that doesn’t serve the people.

Listen to the sad speech by the leader of the free world that doesn’t even possess the slightest grasp on reality:




John G said...

Finally…… someone else that can read the constitution. Instead of rolling on hopium

Lonnie S said...

It's really sad that there is basically NO instrument to remove a senile President other than a corrupt voting booth

Terri o said...

This senie old man needs to go sooner than later!

Billy Bob said...

no 80 yr old should be running the executive branch

Dane386 said...

OMG what the hell is he even trying to say? I can just picture his handlers gasping in horror!

Billys grand dad said...

I never really investigated the requirements of the 25th amendment, thanks for shedding light on it. I can see from your research it will probably never happen too many hoops to jump through.

Rob Boh said...

Never knew that about the 25th myself bud. Great explanation. Thanks for that.