Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hunter Finally Charged with Two Crimes

Al Ritter

Hunter Biden has now been charged in a Delaware Court of misdemeanor Tax Evasion and illegally possessing a gun because he was a known drug user.

If anyone thinks these two charges will put him in jail, you might want to think again. The States Attorney in Delaware says that a pretrial agreement has been made. I can only assume that a plea of guilty has been entered to avoid a long drawn out trial.

I also think that he will receive what amounts to a mere slap on the wrist and serve some sort of community service for a year.

On the bright side, House Republicans are still gathering information to hopefully put Hunter in jail for an extended term based on his money laundering and unregistered acts as a “lobbyist.”

Read More Here:



Turk 182 said...

This is just a way to take the heat off the states attorney in DE and a way to by more time for the "Big Guy"

Terri o said...

Gee it only took them 5 years WOW!

Julie S said...

These two charges don't mean a thing.........the real meat is in the House investigation as to his money laundering scheme

Suzie L said...

If this had been Don Trump Jr or Eric Trump they would have been in jail with no chance for parole ever. This hypocrisy really pisses me off

InGodWeTrustUnitedWeStand said...

Well of course he is "pleading guilty" to a "plea deal" that his "wannabe dictator" father arranged!!!!! If this were one of Trump's son's, they would be spending decades in prison, and ordered to pay millions in fines!!!

Oregon Patriot said...

You expected something even moderately harsh?

Pamela M said...

Little rat bastard should be on the sexual predators list

Patriot in PA said...

How does a states prosecutor plea deal down a gun related felony to a misdemeanor? Something smells funny here!