Thursday, October 26, 2023

Is America Suffering Collectively From PTSD?

Al Ritter

It’s no secret that various branches of government have dedicated divisions to deliver propaganda to the outside world. Until recently those programs were aimed at foreign countries to mold their ideas of self-governance to a democratic state of mind.

This is where the US became the single largest proponent of pushing our style of government on countries so that they would see the world the way we wanted them to see it. Colonialism was all part of the beginning stages.

Now things have changed, the alphabet government agencies have turned that propaganda on its own people with the help of the social media giants in the form of censorship, thinly disguised as “disinformation boards.”

In much the same way that a Narcissist treats its victim, the government has assumed the role as the primary “gas lighter,” and we the citizens suffer from their abuse.

When we think of gas lighting we think of the initiator that claims what we experienced or saw with our own two eyes never really happened. Think back to the Covid-19 pandemic where we were told so many lies that we never really knew the truth until it was too late. Vaccines were touted as having 95-99% efficacy rate, total lie. We were told that you couldn’t transmit the virus if you have the vaccine, total lie. We were told you wouldn’t get the virus if you had the vaccine, total lie. Masks, boosters, social distancing, self-quarantine, and so on and so on…… get the picture.

Think about the propaganda pushed on us about the Ukrainian war.

It’s as if America is living under the thumb of the largest Narcissist in the world, the government, and there is no way to escape it.

We are now living in a time where the biggest distributor of misinformation is actually our government. Is it no coincidence that treatment for mental health is never increased, but budgets to the alphabet agencies are?

False flags are abound in our country but people on the left continue to claim we are conspiracy theorists, and yet through time those theories are proving to be true.

This country not only condones mental illness but they actually fund it!


Edward08936 said...

The last 3 years have seemed like a war with no treatment in sight for our citizens

Terri o said...

Just look at the woke policies regarding transgenders and see how the government is pushing the whole idea that it is normal and we should be paying for it!

PatriotMarine said...

Mostly propaganda!