Saturday, October 7, 2023

Who Started the Transgender Wave?

Al Ritter

I think there are lots of things we wonder about how they got started in this day and age. One thing just came to light recently about the origins of Transgenderism. Once labeled as a psychological disorder called “gender dysphoria” that has blossomed into a full blown war orchestrated by the left.

Gender affirming care, which IMHO is nothing more than a physical disfigurement perpetrated by doctors that should lose their medical licensure. There is nothing gender affirming about puberty blockers and chemical change drugs, but that can be the subject of another article.

The point of this article is to address the thing that started this upsurgence in society.

Up until 12 years ago people had to travel to Switzerland for gender reassignment surgery. The USA went for 0 surgery centers in 2010 to over 100 now.

What caused this uptick?

Obamacare is what started it all with a tiny clause about gender affirming care must be given to all that have Obamacare otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act.

So when wondering which one of the useful idiots in the liberal party started celebrating mental illness rather than treating it for what it really is, this is the guy.

Watch the video here:


Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a President that approved of Big Mike's gender reassignment?

markev said...

Obama really put it in high gears.

Terri o said...

This problem needs to be addressed as a mental health issue!

Becky S said...

It sure figures, most everything really bad started with that racist

Justin H said...