Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Is Exploitation America’s New Slavery?

Al Ritter Opinion 


Reparations for slavery that happened almost 200 years ago has been a popular topic among the talking heads of the left for decades, but are we about to repeat that scenario in this day and age?

There is still a law on the books that makes it illegal for a business to hire an undocumented worker. It is punishable to the tune of $10,000 per worker and was enforced until recently.

The Biden Administration has virtually turned our country into an open borders nation, allowing unvetted, unvaccinated, into our country totally unchallenged.

A decade ago companies had to actually research their employees through a national data base to prove their legal status before hiring them. Long gone are those days as the Biden Administration now picks and choses which laws they wish to enforce.

In a perfect world business owners would have strived to properly vet and hire people based on their skill set and legality of documented status.

The world however has become blurred. Now unscrupulous business owners can exploit those workers basically turning them into indentured servants. Not quite like the slavery of the early 1800’s where people were bought and sold, but now exploited to keep them in poverty under threat of reporting them to authorities.

Farms and private companies may offer them substandard wages and living accommodations as part of their employment deal. These so called deals never include a written contract only a word of mouth deal.

Now the employer gets a worker at far under the national wage standard, but also places them in a living situation that usually violates state and federal standards.

Sadly I live shockingly close to a situation like this, but local authorities so far have turned a blind eye to it.

Will the some 9 million (so far) workers have a legal stand for reparations in the future?

Thankfully I won’t be around to tell!


Grady318 said...

I must admit, I never even considered it this way, but good point.

Anonymous said...

I hope you aren't painting the illegals as victims are you?

republican patriot said...

@Anonymous Not hardly but they become a victim of their own circumstance and decisions.

Billys grand dad said...

Right there with you, I'll long be in the ground before reparations happen for this demographic

Ray in Lubbock said...

Black Americans don't seem to understand that the illegals will eventually replace them as the oppressed minority