Sunday, October 29, 2023

The End Game of Expanding Federal Land Grabs

 Al Ritter

Each year the federal Government adds money to the budget to purchase land for what they call public use, but is that actually true? Of course we all know about National Parks but there is also other classifications that fall under the management of the Bureau of Land Management.

BLM controls National Parks, grazing rights, mineral rights, wilderness areas, and National Conservation Lands. They are basically the Police of the Department of the Interior. It may surprise you that they control 243 Million acres, many times the size of many of our states.

The Federal Government owns the majority of the land in 12 States including, Nevada, Colorado, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, Washington, and California. These state percentages of Federal Land Ownership range from 35% in New Mexico to a high of 85% in Nevada.

In addition to the federal land ownership the BLM also controls the underground mineral rights under 700 million acres that also includes private lands.

Ranchers are seeing a decrease in their grazing permits recently as the Federal Government tries to strong arm them out of the very thing that insures their existence. Bureaucratic edict is one thing our country has been battling for years. The government tries backdoor methods to deny the very livelihood of farmers and ranchers, through environmental regulations and land leases.

With ranchers and farmers seeing decreased income as a direct result of regulations it is only a matter of time before the Feds gobble up their properties through bankruptcy.

Now mind you these large percentages you are seeing here doesn’t even begin to include land owned by the states. These figures are almost impossible to find as they are increasing exponentially also.

We have already seen the Biden Administration increase the land grabs in areas that are beneficial for oil and gas exploration only to lock them down to never allow permitting.

The biggest question is this….with almost 24% of our states owned by the federal government what states are next and how soon will they be the majority land owners in all of the United States?

Once the land grab is complete we become no different than any other Communist country as what was once yours will now be theirs.

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Terri o said...

This is very depressing!

Rudy K said...

"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Sounds very Marxist to me!

PatriotMarine said...

Unless it's to stop foreign countries from purchasing, what right does the fed have to do so?

Squeaky Squeaky said...

On the CBC radio news in the morning of August 7th 2023 it was reported that some mountain hiking trails have been closed due to concerns about fires being started along the trails by the users of the trails. The media is working overtime to try to convince people that there is a climate emergency and is restricting people’s freedoms over this. The Chinese are free to conduct military exercises in the bush in British Columbia, the Chinese are being trained by the Canadian government (now run by China) to fly military jets in Canada, the Chinese have opened up police stations in Canada and around the world, the Chinese are pouring across the Mexican/American border by the thousands. The Canadian government (now run by China) first limited your ability to house yourself in many wilderness areas in Canada by creating the National Parks, the Provincial Parks, the Regional Parks, the special wilderness reserves, the Indian reservations, the Crown lands, and the massive mining areas handed out to billionaires who are free to pollute lakes and rivers. Now some people are starting forest fires across Canada in order to help the media’s narrative that there is a climate emergency resulting in the government (the Chinese) closing hiking trails. When some Islamist, Sikh or Hindu security guard at your local drug store or hospital, or when some native Indian at a local native Indian casino, demands that you wear a mask or demands that you cover your hands with their special solution, or if they demand to see your Covid passport before allowing you entry, or if they demand that you keep off a hiking trail, or if they demand to see your gun license, they are doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party. As it stands, the vast majority of Canadians are too impoverished to be able to arrive at the start of any mountain hiking trail. Likely a good way to overcome Chinese military interference in Canadian affairs would be to shoot those who make such demands upon you, for they are agents of the Chinese Communist Party, for 30 pieces of silver they turn themselves into Chinese soldiers and demand you wear a mask that sheds fine particles that lodge into your lungs, a mask that is contaminated with a myriad of pollutants that cause death, it is a mask that prevents you from breathing fresh air. They will try to impose new health lockdowns and climate lockdowns, any security guard or police officer who aids the process should be paid danger pay. As they impose the lockdowns they provide assorted financial incentives for the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus. These “immigrants” shoot up Toronto and other major Canadian cities so therefore we have to turn in our guns, and they start forest fires so therefore we have to stop walking on forest trails. We should have seen this coming. Australia recently started preventing white people from walking on trails as well.

In the news (not the mainstream news) in July and August 2023, Australians are losing their right to own property, by 2030 some 80% of Australia will be designated as native lands, farmers who find themselves on these lands are being prevented from erecting fences and are facing other regulations aimed at preventing them from growing food and residing on the land. Similarly increasing numbers of areas in The United States are being designated as protected areas, supposedly in order to protect the biodiversity but in actuality to limit American freedom and force Americans into concentration camps. First the government in Australia did everything it could to prevent the settlers from leaving their wage jobs and going off into the countryside in search of gold, now the governments of both Canada and America are placing large areas of their nations into protected statuses where people are prevented from mining gold, and now where people are prevented from visiting. The Chinese Communist Party runs our governments and is removing your right to own property in Australia, Canada and The United States while they are buying.

Ronald H said...

The Feds killed Clive Bundy over this very thing!

Randy D said...

I guess we shouldn't be as concerned about Bill Gates buying up land than the Feds snapping up land!

Stella Dora said...

"Smart Growth" Explained In its publication, Exposing the 2030 Agenda, the John Birch Society (JBS) describes the concept of “Smart Growth” as “predicated upon utilizing a multitude of government-induced incentives to encourage individuals to move out of rural or suburban areas into regimented urban areas."1 The document also provides a candid description of the UN's Agenda 2030…...