Monday, November 13, 2023

This Shouldn’t Even be a Debate

Al Ritter

To begin with, I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much, but a little over a week ago I injured yet more fingers so typing has been painful to say the very least.

With that being said this article will be short and to the point.

Anyone that supports the “Palestinians” supports Hamas. There I said it and I’m far from apologetic on the matter. In 2006 the people of Gaza had a democratic election and voted in Hamas as their government.

As a direct result of that the indoctrination over 2 million began. Children were taught at an early age to hate Israel and Jews in general. A two party state has been rejected constantly by not only PLO, but Hamas and most recently Iran.

The ONLY thing they agree to is to regain all the land “From the River to the Sea.” This means the annihilation of Jews and the removal of the state of Israel.

The barbarism of Hamas is unrivaled in modern history. Their willingness to use the civilians of Gaza as human shields and to place military outposts next to and in some cause directly in hospitals, mosques and even kindergartens is unconscionable.

They deny the citizens even basic humanitarian items to fuel their hateful war machine.

There is no such thing as humanitarian supplies within the borders of the Gaza Strip, because Hamas confiscates them all for their own use.

Thankfully each day between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM the Israelis allow the citizens a chance to escape the Gaza Strip. Careful vetting follows to make sure that Hamas terrorists aren’t escaping with innocent civilians. More than I can say about the influx of terrorists on our own southern border.

What is a proportional response after the barbarism Hamas inflicted on the citizens of Israel?

What saddens me is the support that some Americans show towards Hamas....personally it sickens me!

Watch more videos here:




Hillaryforjail2024 said...

Have we learned nothing about anti-Semitism in the last 85 years? Our brainwashed youth in this country make me shake my head in disgust.

Terri o said...

These protesters should be appalled by what Hamas is doing to the Palestine people! They have no clue! SMH

Terri o said...

The protestors need to see this video

Nancy D said...

I only pray that Israel eradicates the scum Hamas

Randy D said...

I don't even understand how anyone in this country can rationalize the behavior of Hamas