Saturday, November 4, 2023

Why Do Arab Nations Shun Palestinians?

Al Ritter

The people from Gaza are primarily referred to as “refugees” and that is true but not for the reasons they proclaim. Gazans claim that they are refugees driven from Israel but in actuality they are refugees from Egypt.

Since the time of the PLO and Yasser Arifat the people of “Palestine” have contended that they were driven out of Israel as a result of the UN mandate to give Israel their own land after the Holocaust of WWII. They lay claim to the land of Israel because the Muslim world invaded and pillaged that property centuries before and therefore they claim it is theirs.

The truth lies closer to the fact that Israel was inhabited over 2000 years ago by Jews and Christians alike, before that it was part of the Roman Empire.

The Arab world views the “Palestinians” as the black sheep of the Muslim world. Palestinian militancy started in the early 60’s and forced themselves first on Jordan. The Jordanian military couldn’t contain them because of the small size of their forces. This brutality against Jordanian citizens continued for many years until finally the Palestinians were driven from Jordan by an increased military presence. 

After being driven from Jordan they basically invaded Lebanon and started one of the bloodiest civil wars ever seen. Lebanon has never really recovered from that atrocity.

Egypt never wanted the Gaza Strip back even though it was offered by Israel. As a result the Palestinians were a people without a country. I say this in a document sense. Other than a Palestinian passport which is merely a travel document to every other nation in the world, a Palestinian Passport is not proof of citizenship except in Gaza. Kuwait has hatred for Palestinians also, as they supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of their country during the Gulf War.

In 2005 the Gaza Strip was abandoned by Israel and its citizens. All Israelis moved out and basically gave the Palestinians their own country. Several times the Palestinians were offered a two state Nation proposition and all those times it was turned down. Shortly after, Hamas was elected as the representative government of the Gaza Strip. This is the reason we have gotten to the situation we are in now.

The rationalization in the Palestinian eyes are that they want it all…..Israel and all its people out or annihilated or both.

These ideals are far from a rational basis to a negotiated settlement. Israel isn’t going anywhere but they are constantly being attacked by Gaza to the south and Hezbollah to the north.

The Israelis are a persecuted people but the Palestinians are the country bullies. Live and let live should be their motto, but sadly never will be. But they will never be accepted by the surrounding Arab Nations either, they are a people without a country, the redheaded step children of the East.

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Billy Gray said...

Because they don't just attack Israel they attack their own too!

Shirley J said...

This just be my take on it but, Only countries have to comply with the Geneva Convention as a result of them never being declared as a country, they don't have to comply with anything in it. But then again they probably wouldn't anyway.

Dorrie said...

Answer: Because they've all been brought up to do NOTHING but hate, and NONE of them have an I.Q. above 70! They're useless and need to be taken care of and no country wants or needs more people to shovel money to just so they can survive. The so called "Palestinians" need to just pitch their tents in the desert and be nomads, that's what they actually are.

Terri o said...

Quite the history lesson!

Billys grand dad said...

And Biden wants to accept Palestinians as refugees? There is a BIG difference in compassion vs. stupidity!

Amy A said...

If they don't want them why in the hell do we? Hungry and Poland have already said NO Muslims let alone Palestinians!!!!