Sunday, November 5, 2023

You Think the USA isn’t Crazy Enough to Use a Nuclear Warhead on Iran How About the Moon?

Al Ritter

I can already see the look of puzzlement on your face, “What the hell is Al talking about this time?” How about hitting the moon with a nuclear bomb?

Nobody would be that crazy would they?  Sadly it appears as though two countries were!

In 1958 Russia launched their first satellite into space. Sputnik wasn’t just Russia's first satellite it was the world’s first satellite. Not to be embarrassed America launched their first satellite 4 months later called Explorer I.

Now being embarrassed by coming in second place America started exploring other areas to come in first. This was a time where national pride was #1 in America’s eyes. The US government wanted to show the world their superiority so they tasked the USAF to come up with a plan to show case their technological advancements.

What did the Air Force come up with? “Let’s nuke the moon!”

I can just see the look on your faces right now…lol

Yes, not until recently were plans declassified on Project A119. This was an in depth study on not only how to detonate a nuclear warhead on the moon but what were the ramifications and fallout possibility on Earth.

Even the famous Carl Sagan was involved in this project. If you think we were the only country crazy enough to even consider the possibility of doing this…..think again! Russia had their own scientists working on the same objective.

Thankfully cooler heads prevailed and the project was scrapped and things led to another spectacular display of technology, namely the moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969.

So the next time you think either Russia, USA, or any other nuclear power country thinks rationally about using a nuclear warhead think about Project A119!

Read More About A119 Here:

Watch Humorous Video Here:


Turk 182 said...

This doesn't surprise me at all, the whole damn world has gone crazy!

Linda in Randallstown said...

Oh you've done it now Al, all the crazy landing denialists are going to come out of the woodwork!

Bennie S said...

Looks like the neocons went back a LONG time in American history!

Ray in Lubbock said...

Just to make a flash in the sky during a lunar eclipse on the dark side of the moon? WTF were they thinking?

Tommytwotone said...


Sally 3 toes said...

Seems like every country is trigger happy with nuclear weapons lately