Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Dems: “The 2020 Election was the most Secure in History”

 Al Ritter

It seems every week we see more and more actual accounts of voter fraud in our news feed. This account comes from Philadelphia Pennsylvania where election judges were being bribed to sway election results at the actual voting machines, not through ballot stuffing.

Disgraced Former US Congressman Michael J Myers has pled guilty to stuffing the ballot boxes for Democratic candidates in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The only reason he wasn’t charged in 2020 was that all his accomplices have already pled guilty to those same years and he avoided his part in the 2020 election.

Only through a federal investigation, subsequent indictment, and prosecution did this scheme come to light.

Ex-congressman Myers faced up to 60 years in jail and a $1 million dollar fine. Consequently the Judge in the case only gave him 2 ½ years in jail, even after his previous bribery conviction!

We constantly hear about how secure our voting system is from the far left. Both sides of the aisle know that is naïve at best.

The American people know the only way to secure voting is through paper ballots and no mail in voting except for the military, and even that needs to be improved upon.

Another problem area is nursing homes as those ballots are notoriously wrought with fraud.

See the video here:


Read more here:


Nursing home violations:


And here in Michigan:


And NJ:


And AZ:



Kevin said...

The 2020 Election WAS the most secured in history........ for guarantying a Democrat favorable outcome.

republican patriot said...

I have personally witnessed voter fraud in a nursing home setting. A woman whom I was taking care of requested an absentee ballot, the election board rejected her request stating that she had already voted. You can't imagine the nightmare of trying to get that fraudulent vote reversed. Of course it was a straight vote across the board for all democrats, and she was a republican. Of course no investigation was launched because of this.

Terri o said...

I know that family members filled out the ballot for their elderly parent because they thought that they knew what was best for them!

Billys grand dad said...

Fair elections should be the united aim of both parties but it's not because one side feels slighted and needs to cheat to win. I don't care which party it is that cheated they all need to be thrown in jail. So this guy was jailed for bribery before and the Judge only gave him 2 1/2 years out of a possible 60 and never fined him? Sounds like another case of bribery to me!

LibertyLuc said...


Rocknest said...

Secured for them to steal the election.

Jan C said...

Until they loose!