Monday, June 10, 2024

Biden’s “Creation” of new jobs being filled by “illegals.”

Al Ritter

The House Budget Committee just released a new report that over half of Biden’s claimed job creation has been filled by immigrants, mostly illegally in this country.

The figure stands at 62.7%! So the unemployment rate in America has increased from 3.9 to 4.0 in May and if that seems puzzling to you, you aren’t alone.

The obvious answer is that the citizens are the ones suffering as the jobs are being handed to the hordes of so called asylum seekers.

Should we be mad at these figures? Of course we should, and in November we should remember the politicians that pushed this agenda on us!

Read more here:



Marcthefatherservant said...

POC invading America and taking our jobs

Egor S said...

But they don't pay any attention to that minimum wage CRAP!

And you don't have to pay uncle sugar's cut, unemployment, disability, Fed tax, State tax, SS,FICA, ...


Turk 182 said...

They work in America, then they do something different. They send a large portion home to their country of origin never to be seen again in America. How does that help our economy? Shouldn't we be taxing money transfers like that?

Terri o said...

According to Democrats, we need the migrants here to do the jobs that citizens don't want to do! SMH

Henry V said...

Next thing you know Biden will be paying for their college loans too!

texmo said...

The illegals are paid tax free under the table and they are collecting all the free shit our dumbass politicians give them too! DEPORT EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!

Robyn Anne said...

Can we all be deputized and help get them deported!?

John G said...

Biden is using a tactic called lying