Saturday, June 29, 2024

Going Down with the Ship

 Al Ritter

After watching the Presidential debate, I remembered the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for.” Remember that Biden was the one who called out Trump for the debate and followed it up with “Make my day.”

The DNC and the talking heads in the MSM have been covering up Biden’s cognitive problems for the last few years. On June 27th they could no longer hide his sad decline. To Donald Trump’s credit he didn’t go into full attack mode, he merely allowed Biden enough rope to hang himself.

The Democratic nation stared in delusional disbelief as Biden mumbled and fumbled his way through a well choreographed and rehearsed set of talking points and questions he been handed in advance. There was no way to hide what they all knew to be fact but had been covering up for years. The weeks’ worth of preparation couldn’t save ol’ Joe.

The main stream media can no longer hide behind the Whitehouse spokesperson. His sad decline on the air has sent them all running like rats off a sinking ship. CNN and MSNBC are all in total panic about what the next move will be.

Dr. Jill, like Joe himself are steadfast in clinging to the delusional idea that Joe is fit for another 4 years. After the debate all Jill could do is claim that was very proud of Joe because he answered all the questions, and that Trump had lied constantly. Of course Joe answered all the questions he had been presented them before the debate, and fact checkers will most certainly be working overtime disproving all the repeated lies that Biden had claimed.

If the DNC actually wins out and replaces Joe with another progressive, imagine how all the voters that voted for Biden in the primary will feel. Can you say disenfranchised? I know I would feel insulted if my primary vote didn’t count and my candidate had been replaced by someone I didn’t want.

To all the blathering idiots like James Carville that said he was 90% sure Trump wouldn’t show for the debate because he was afraid, how did that work out for you guys? Obama is in full panic mode because he won’t be able to run the country from behind the curtain anymore.

My personal opinion is that Joe won’t be replaced I think that would be the death kneel of the Democratic Party, with no chance of recovery for decades.

No I think that Joe and Jill will go down with the ship just like Captain Smith did on the Titanic because they have placed their own personal wants and needs over those of the American public.

Democratic Donors have seen enough:

Dem strategists are panicked:

A Doctor's view of the debate:




Bet C said...

This article is soooo on point!

Ray in Lubbock said...

Their gaslighting about his condition is officially over. I'd hate to be KJP this week, there is no defense for that sh*tshow

Terri o said...

Gavin Newsome said that you can't judge Joe on one performance! Is he really that stupid?

Roger S said...

I'm an Independent voter and the fund raising for the Democrats is actually funny. James Carville is claiming the Trump has claimed he wants to be a dictator and equated him to Hitler, Schumer and Pelosi are claiming the same thing. It's as if they are all circulating the same fraudulent memo! They are certainly Desperate!

Geo said...

Prepare a life raft and get far enough away not to get sucked under when it goes down.