Monday, June 24, 2024

Maryland, the land of pleasant living

Al Ritter

Well that used to be the slogan of Maryland until about 1947 when things took a dark turn in Baltimore City with the election of Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. as Mayor. The Italian population treated his election as almost a coronation, and whispers started as to his mob ties. His election gave the Democrats a strong foothold in not only the city but the state.

“Tommy” as he was affectionately known by his supporters served as Mayor from 1947- 1959. Some 8 years latter Thomas D’Alesandro III, (Tommy’s son) became Mayor in 1967- but held that seat for only 4 years. For those not from Baltimore or Maryland “Young Tommy” had a younger sister, Nancy Pelosi. Now you know how all this came into being.

The city’s population in 1959 was 2.6 Million as major manufacturing facilities had brought jobs to a growing city. Such companies as McCormick, Chevrolet, Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem Ship Yard, and the Port of Baltimore graced our city.

The 60’s and 70’s started the death kneel of a once thriving city. One time Democratic Mayor Kurt Schmoke once claimed Baltimore as the “city that reads,” even though Baltimore held the title of one of the most illiterate cities in America. Because of the welfare system and the absence of fathers in the home, a more apt title might have been “Baltimore, the city that breeds.”

The 80’s and 90’s saw a staggering rise in urban blight and a rise in crime. It wasn’t uncommon to see 3 boarded up houses out of 4 in the city now. Drugs and violent crime had taken a sharp rise. The City Council was ALL Democratic at this point and showing no signs of changing. The mold had been set for future decades.

The last 30 years have shown to be a downhill spiral at the hands of the Democrats. The downfall of big business started in the 80’s and is now in full free fall. Bethlehem Steel is gone, as is The Shipyard, Chevrolet closed shop, and McCormick fled to the county.

What was once a flourishing city metropolis is now a dirt infested abandoned city of only 560,000 people! Even the poor don’t want to live there anymore, and try to escape to the surrounding counties. Unfortunately they bring with them the same Democratic welfare mindset.

Watch these two videos, one of what used to be, and the other what it has become:

From 1972:


Rochelle McB said...

This past December, I was in Maryland, Baltimore to be exact. It was a garbage dump, a crap heap, a third-world experience (with the possible exception of the National Aquarium, which was spectacular). This Democrat city charges for paper or plastic bags from stores. A tiny paper sack will cost 6 cents and a bag from Walmart is 15 cents (to Walmart's credit, the bags are sturdy and reusable many times). BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag). Baltimore is a very old city with ridiculously narrow streets that are impossible to pass another vehicle on. And the streets are crappy. Baltimore needs to be scrapped and start all over! It was adequate for traffic needs.....a century ago! Now? Not so much.

Betsyross said...

Maryland was also known as the Free State, but now nothing can be farther from the truth as taxation has reached an all time high!

Rodman N said...

Revitalization of the area doesn't guarantee safety, look at the Inner Harbor. That is a massive failure now!

Emma Anne said...

I was vetted for Federal Grand Jury which would mean I'd have to travel into the city for 30 days. Thankfully because of Covid I escaped that situation, and soon I'll be 70 when I can escape all juries especially ones that place me in extreme danger!

Sally 3 toes said...

What a sad decline to a once great city :(