Monday, June 17, 2024

The Legal and Moral Implications of Trump’s Guilty Verdict

 Al Ritter

I'll start out with stating the legal ramifications of the trial. To begin with he hasn’t been convicted yet. A Judge can either accept the jury’s guilty claim or he can vacate that claim, but that is done at sentencing not the end of the trial.

On the legal side of this trial, there are so many prosecutorial missteps along the way it is hard not to see so many ways to an appeal. Statute of Limitations boundaries were crossed, they turned a misdemeanor into a felony without any declaration of what the secondary charge was that would have turned it into a felony.

This doesn’t even address the Judge’s final instructions to the jury that violated every judicial precedence set forth in law.

Putting all this aside. Biden has used his son’s guilty verdict for 100% political gain. The reason he has done so is to claim that the judicial system is fair and just, in effect legitimizing Trump’s trial.

This can work for the lower intelligence electorate, but for the educated it paints a very different picture.

November is 4 ½ months away and the life span of a news cycle is so short that any points scored right now stay ingrained in the minds of the voters as either a win or a loss.

Hunter’s verdict contains very different scenarios than Trump’s verdict. It’s a total apples vs oranges type of trials.

Biden has been closed lip as of late if he will pardon or commute Hunter’s sentence. Initially he said he wouldn’t but now KJP is silent on the issue. Although Hunter is facing a maximum sentence of 25 years for the gun charges it is unlikely he will serve that as a first time offender.

My personal thought is that the sentencing will be minimal at best, maybe even probation, but this is certainly not the end of Hunter’s woes. September he faces charges that he didn’t pay taxes on $1.4 million dollars in income. If the prosecution has their ducks in a row and advances quickly on the attack and ties his father into the family influence peddling scheme, and where the money came from, it would fall neatly right before the election.

At that point it would play well with voters. Just as Joe Biden was lecturing a group about Gun Violence not 24 hrs. after his son was found guilty on gun charges, if his son is found guilty of not paying income taxes, how would that look for Joe after constantly repeating during his campaign about how all American’s need to pay their “fair share?”

November is approaching quickly, make your votes count!


Rockman2023 said...

This whole situation doesn't pass the smell test

Terri o said...

The judge in the Trump trial should have recused himself due to his political contributions and his daughter's line of work! Prejudiced from the get go!

Captain Infinity said...

I was watching Fox News yesterday and all the pundits were saying that either Joe or Trump would commute Hunter's sentence because they both have compassion for their children. I say BS if Trump does that I'll be floored. Trump placed boundaries on his kids but Joe most certainly didn't with Hunter. Kids learn bad behavior from their parents by example. Leave that little rat bast*rd in jail of sentenced properly! Hopefully his father will follow into incarceration like his son, he'll be eligible for prosecution in Jan 2025!