Wednesday, June 26, 2024

US/Russia Relations are off the Rails and only Worsening daily

Al Ritter

Let me start this article by saying that I’m certainly no Putin fan nor am I a Biden or NATO fan, but this is what I see from my point of view. When Putin invaded Ukraine he did so, as he said to free his loyal Russian areas from the Nazi Azov Brigade, allegedly terrorizing loyal Russian supporters.

Well you may believe that or not as a reason for the invasion. Personally I don’t think Russia should have invaded Ukraine, but sadly that is not either here nor there at this point.

The Neo-cons or should I say the Uni-party in the US wants war plain and simple. Money is needed to fund the war machine, mostly the defense industry.

Now let’s look at the facts as we know them. NATO is defending Ukraine even though they are not a member nation, as is most of the EU and the USA. They have supplied Ukraine with high technology and weapons to the point of sacrificing our own readiness to defend our homeland.

Putin had drawn the line in the sand at neighboring countries to Russia joining NATO. Now when a nation joins NATO they receive missile batteries on their border with Russia. Put yourself in Russia’s shoes for minute. Remember the Cuba Missile Crisis, when USSR parked missiles 90 miles off our Florida coast?

Now think how far off Russia’s border every NATO country is. Add this to the Western Coalition’s proxy war against Russia. Ukraine is no longer a Democracy as Zelensky has suspended all elections and opposing parties until after the war. In the beginning he wanted to enter into peace agreements but the west told him if he did that, he would no longer receive arms shipments.

Zelensky is a mere pawn in the game of war. I’m not saying he is free of corruption, because he isn’t, but then again what country is?

The USA and the western powers are playing a deadly game of chicken with a country that has FAR more nuclear weapons than we do. I only pray we survive until January of next year, when cooler heads will prevail.

Read about the Azov brigade here:;_ylt=AwrFSRz0eHxm9IcDPMtXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Fydw--?fr=yfp-t&ei=UTF-8&fp=1&p=azov+battalion&fr2=12642

Recent escalations here:

EU and Western world as aggressors:



Ray in Lubbock said...

Nothing unities a country faster than a war. That's what Obama is whispering in Biden's ear

Mandy from Belair said...

Putin sent a warning last week by sending a Nuclear submarine and parking it right in Cuba for a few days. His staff said, " Well America tends to ignore our diplomatic messages, so hopefully this will send a message they can understand."

John G said...

Thank you Pinocchio Joe