Monday, August 26, 2024

“I don’t get no Respect!”

Al Ritter

In the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield, Robert F Kennedy Jr could be the poster child for Rodney’s famous words.

First off he was thrown out of the Democratic Party by the elites that denied him his birth right to challenge a mentally challenged incumbent President whom the whole party claimed was competent enough to serve 4 more years. We now know how that turned out!

Next he was denied Secret Service Protection by Biden’s Mayorkas until the very last day they could deny him because he passed all the thresholds for protection.

His entire Democratic party has claimed he’s a wacko vaccine denier even though he has sued many major drug companies and won decisions for his clients.

His own family disrespects him now because he gave his support to Donald Trump when in fact it was his support to give and not his family.

RFK Jr. didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left him out in the cold.

Now he’s faced with yet another problem. Mayorkas has removed his Secret Service Detail.

 Their reasoning is that he has pulled out of the Presidential campaign. He has removed his name from the ballot in 10 swing states but still remains on 40 of the 50 states ballots. I think it’s because he chose to endorse Trump and not Harris. Let it be known that RFK Jr never formally ended his candidacy for president.

This poor guy is the poster child for political abuse and all he wants to do is make America better.

Read the article here:


Bet C said...

Next to Bernie Sanders he is the most abused guy in the Democratic Party!

LMV said...

That is true on the global stage... but Bobby, I love what you are offering to do. I respect you and all you've done so far. Don't leave the MAGA MAHA party. The only thing dems REALLY REALLY want is abortion, abortion, abortion. I respect you!

Bengi k said...

The Kennedy family members that criticize him are actually the ones that that are disrespecting JFK and RFK...juniors aim is to expose those that killed them!

Terri o said...

The Democratic Party is rotten to the core along with this administration

Betsyross said...

When a majority of RFK's belief's side with Trump and not one thing with Harris, I think the decision is obvious

Judy B said...

The term "political abuse" is new to me. But it sure fits here!