Saturday, August 3, 2024

Once again Biden attempts an end run around the Constitution

 Al Ritter

Once again Joe Biden is attempting to excuse student loans through some back door attempt to circumvent Congressional appropriation.

This isn’t the first time Biden has attempted this. The last time it made it all the way to the Supreme Court filed under the HEROES Act, a 9/11 era law that would allow the Secretary of Education to reallocate funds under an emergency status,  (Covid at the time). Biden is attempting once again to fund this plan through the Dept of Education.

Chief Justice John Roberts questioned the validity of allowing one person the power to make such a decision without Congressional approval. The House has always held the purse strings on spending, and Biden knew that such student loan forgiveness would have never been granted by Congress, so he attempted an end run on the Constitution once again.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has attempted to ignore the Judicial and Legislative branches of government. When our Constitutional Republic was formed each branch was given equal power. Nowhere is it said the Executive branch holds more power than either of the other two. I wrote an article several years ago on the question if the Supreme Court could charge someone with criminal contempt of court.

The resounding answer is yes! All courts can charge someone with either criminal or civil contempt. So my question is…what back door opening is Biden trying to wiggle through this time?

If he’s using a certain department to undermine a Supreme Court Decision why can’t the Supreme Court charge that department head of criminal contempt? You know damn well if it was an individual like you or me we’d be hauled right into court and go to jail. A civil contempt would be an exercise in futility because the Judge would only fine the offender and the government would have pay that out of taxpayer funds.

Personally I’d love to see Dept. of Education head Miguel Cardona to be charged with Contempt of Court issued by Chief Justice John Roberts, but we know that will never happen, they would rather waste more of the taxpayer’s money running this farce through the court system. It’s almost certain to end up in a law suit once again that will never be decided before Biden leaves office.

Update: Well that didn't take long the 8th circuit court put a stay on Biden's plan after seven states request a halt

Last year’s SCOTUS decision:

Here’s the new plan of attack by Biden:



DP1224 said...

Potatohead is being manipulated again. Who is going to listen to this moron? He is essentially a dead man walking.

Maggie M said...

doesn't look like he's going to quit until he gets the result he wants

BrandGin said...

he CAN NOT STAND scotus kicking his laws and executive orders to the curb

Dragonlady said...

For someone with a law degree, he certainly doesn’t know the law

Terri o said...

The Supreme Court needs to get tough on this administration and making these nitwits pay for their actions!

NotJon Z said...

Go sit down old man

Turk 182 said...

I see the Federal appeals court shot Biden down in mere days!

Camille Ann said...

I can't wait to see the last of this 50 year loser.