Monday, August 12, 2024

“I’m not stepping down unless God himself asks me.”

Al Ritter

Those were the spoken words from Joe Biden a month before he stepped down and handed the campaign over to Kamala Harris.

14 million voters had their vote disenfranchised that day. This was definitely a political coup masterminded by a few in office and a few out of office.

Obviously Biden’s God had taken the form of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama.

How Nancy Pelosi still holds the clout she does seems baffling to me. What is clear however is that the Democrats constantly push the idea that a vote for Trump is a vote against democracy, and yet they refuse to see that a political coup destroys democracy.

Watch Biden’s interview where he admits it was a coup:


Bet C said...

If he views those people as God he deserves to be struck down by lightning!

Terri O said...

Nancy going on the talk shows stating that she didn't tell him to step down only that he needs to make a decision soon for the sake of the democratic party! Continues to lie!

Steve H said...

Obama nor Pelosi are God

Alan_sGirl said...

He must have confused the DNC leaders with God. Or maybe they just told him they were God.šŸ˜”

Camille Ann said...

I think he meant $atan.

NotJon Z said...

NotJon Ziemba

Lightning bolts please

John G said...

What did God say? It must have been good. Hope he enjoys the coup.

C D Grosscup said...

Pelosi must be his god

Robin C said...

Well, he talked to me this morning and he told me to pass the message along for you to get lost.