Thursday, August 15, 2024

The nerve of this guy is beyond compare!

Al Ritter

In Joe Biden’s most recent interview, he claimed that when Trump was in office the KKK didn’t have to wear their hoods anymore because they had a friend in Trump!

This comment is wrong on so many levels but the falsehood needs to be explained. In the 70’s to 2010 upon his death, Sen Robert Byrd D-WV was close personal friends with then Sen. Joe Biden. Now I want to say this correctly because it’s been fact checked before and claimed false merely because Byrd’s title in the KKK was misrepresented as “grand wizard.” His true title was “Exalted Cyclops.”

Now if we add that to all the racist comments Biden has said in the past, we can clearly see that Joe Biden was the real friend to the KKK during not only his senate tenure, but probably as VP and later Presidency.

As I have said before lying in a campaign was declared legal in the Supreme Court ruling  Susan B Anthony List vs Driehaus under the guise of “freedom of speech.”

Projection is becoming a popular word in the election also, that when you claim your opponent is doing something, when it fact they are actually the perpetrating the same thing on you.

The list of lies told by Biden are quite extensive and easily documentable, as are his racist remarks.

Take a look at the last ad that Biden approved just days ahead of his stepping down for reelection and see how many lies he told.

Biden’s ad:

Biden’s latest interview:


Turk 182 said...

This guy is a habitual liar! Trump has done more for the Black Community than Obama/Biden did in 8 years!

Beth K said...

Biden even opposed bussing during the 70's when he was a Senator

John G said...

Notice Joe Manchin right behind them.

republican patriot said...

LOL....I thought that too, but I didn't think he was that old!

Wyatt O said...

Mr KKK selling the low IQ that they aren’t black if they don’t vote Dimocrap.