Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hunter plays chess on his tax charges

 Al Ritter

If you are wondering why Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to the tax charges, wonder no more. While his original plea was a guilty Alford Plea and would likely be turned down by the Judge because it would have allowed him to plead guilty but retain his innocence.

He then changed his plea to a standard guilty plea. In doing so it exposes Hunter to a possible 17 year jail sentence. But after the failure of the DOJ in the last 4 years that outcome is highly unlikely. Because of the guilty plea all of the testimony of corruption between Hunter and his father will never be heard in a court of law. As a result the plea has severed any and all connections of Hunter’s wrong doing that included his father.

Tony Bobulinski’s testimony as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings a company with connections between the Chinese and Chairman Ye will now never be heard in open court along with another whistleblower Rob Walker who can corroborate Bobulinski’s account.

In my opinion this is NOT Hunter coming clean about his tax fraud charges, this isn’t about his drug recovery, this isn’t about accepting responsibility for his actions. This is all about protecting his Father and Uncle.

I’m sure the sentencing phase has already been discussed between the Judge and Hunter’s lawyers ahead of time.

The Whitehouse has claimed they will not offer Hunter a pardon or commutation of sentence, but Jan 6th is a long way off. In reality what does the already disgraced Joe Biden have to lose if he reneges on that claim?

Read More here:


Roger S said...

He's either going to get a slap on the wrist or probation, mark my words!

Terri o said...

News Media is already saying that he won't get any jailtime because he's a recovered addict

Pelham123 said...

Where is he getting the money for his attorneys and to pay off the IRS debt of $1.4 million? What account did those funds come from?

thmD said...

Not. Either the fix is in or the pardon is on

Dell said...

counting on daddy's pardon

texmo said...

It's more like Russian roulette with an empty pistol! Dad's going to pardon him!

Dianne D said...

Looks like the mobsters win again

Robert T said...

Vito Corleone Biden! Take that back. Vito had principles