Thursday, September 5, 2024

It’s OK for Biden to question election results but not Trump

 Al Ritter

The following article was from CNN. It explained how the Biden Administration had strong armed the Dominican Republic to seize an airplane used by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The substance of that article specifically about the plane really makes no difference, but what follows in the article does.

It addresses the election results of Nicolas Maduro. I will quote the article directly:

“The US recently placed pressure on the Venezuelan government to “immediately” release specific data regarding its presidential election, citing concerns about the credibility of Maduro’s claimed victory.

Venezuela’s opposition has published more than 80% of tallies printed and collected from voting machines across the country. Though partial, the documentation appears to show that the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia actually won the vote, several experts told CNN.”

Ok so let’s review, the Biden Administration is questioning a foreign country that basically has no connection to our interests other than a supplier of oil (in fact the dirtiest oil in the world.)

Biden wants to be the Judge, jury, and hangman on an election in a country that doesn’t even directly affect us?

But on the other hand when Donald Trump questioned the results of 2020 he was not only persecuted but prosecuted into submission.

Is this not hypocrisy at its finest?

Article here:



AnnBa said...

It has always been one-sided in their favor of course. It has been Injustice on steroids.

Reggie K said...

If you notice in the article that Biden questions the legitimacy of their oil and gas company as corrupt. Didn't Biden get someone fired over the corruption investigation of Burisma when it might have exposed Hunter?

Mike Y said...

I don’t mind media coverage, even friendly coverage, of candidates.
But to cover only one side in a good light, and either refuse to cover or show only negative coverage of the other side makes their coverage propaganda.
It’s not fairly covered news, it’s propaganda.

Anonymous said...

This sort of double-standard is the type of thing the founders were wary of. Sick stuff. We should find a way to stop it. I think decentralization would help.

Mike Y said...

Of course.
The left OWNS the DOJ.