Saturday, January 15, 2022

2022, The Year of the Damned


2022, The Year of the Damned

Al Ritter

Ignoring the Supreme Court’s decision allowing a stay on Biden’s mandate of businesses of one hundred people or more to have the vaccination. Biden boldly announced that those businesses still have the right to demand that their employees be vaccinated. The Branch Covidians are out in full force. That the unvaccinated are somehow "unclean" and not fit to be in society reminiscent of Germany 1939.

One thing America does have going for it at this point is that we are a country built on the Capitalistic idea. We can actually choose who we work for, who we spend money with, and where we live. We can move from NY State to Florida, we can change jobs to employers that allow the non-vaxed their freedom and rights. We can boycott those companies that require vax documents to work there or even purchase their goods.

The entire world has gone nuts at this point over the pandemic. The Biden Regime has been worried about “hesitancy.” Well this is a vaccine that was brought from test lab to injections in 8 months when every other vaccine took years through trials to perfect. Pfizer and Moderna rely on mRNA technology which had never been used before. This technology relies on a spike protein being injected to stimulate the immune system in a very unnatural way. The CDC, FDA, and the NIH even changed the definition of vaccine because it doesn’t stop infection or even transmission. Wordsmithing plain and simple.

Biden tried to force his mandate through OSHA but unlike a hard hat that an employee could remove at the end of his shift, the vaccination stays with the employee 24/7, 365. What happens down the road when an employee leaves that company? He takes that same chemical injection with him probably for life.

While the Regime worries about hesitancy, I wonder how many people who have gotten the vaccination now have “buyer’s remorse?” How many people wished they had known early on what they know now? How many have said there is NO way they are getting a booster?  

I know 3 people that have died with Covid, and I use those words carefully now because they all tested Covid positive but questions remain did they just die with Covid or OF Covid. Two of the victims were vaccinated, one was double vaxed, and one was triple vaxed, the third I’m not sure about. But of the two vaccinated, the one died in the hospital (I feel) from the hospital protocol. It was the Covid cure that killed him! Remdesivir was given to him from day one. His blood ox level was recovering from Covid but he was now in renal failure due to the Remdesivir. He died of renal failure but I’m certain the cause of death on his certificate was COVID.

I get mad at bold claims from the very government officials that claimed if you get the vaccine you won’t get Covid, or that the vaccine would stop the spread, or this is the disease of the unvaccinated. How dare they continually lie to us when the data now proves that well over half the patients in the hospital being treated for Covid ARE vaccinated. They lie to us about the efficacy rates, they lie to us about the side effects as being minimal, tell that to a family who has lost a young man to myocarditis. Be prepared to hear that Myocarditis isn’t as rare as the medical profession once claimed, while totally ignoring the fact that is WAS caused by the vax. 

They also claim that the symptoms are less severe in the vaccinated, tell that to the families that have lost loved ones to Covid that have been vaccinated! And worst of all the unfeeling idiots that tell a family member after the death of a loved one that had been vaccinated…..”It could have been far worse!”

Listen to Dr Robert Malone, invertor of the mRNA technology:

College Students being forced into boosters:




Anonymous said...

But this government knows what is best! SMH!

Bud S said...

Biden will continue to do what he wants until someone puts a stop to it