Sunday, January 23, 2022

Pelosi Now a Charter Member to the Flip Flop Club


Pelosi Now a Charter Member to the Flip Flop Club

Al Ritter

Nancy Pelosi has now become the leader of Biden’s Flip Flop Club. Just two weeks ago she defended her right to buy stock in her own name, and said that she had no control over what her husband bought.

As I stated in a previous article when Barack Obama signed a bill into law making it a crime for Congress to use insider information obtained in committees to make insider trading on stocks, she was standing right alongside him as he signed the bill.

Since then her personal portfolio has expanded to $120 million as she blatantly violated that law.

Just two weeks ago she tried to defend her right to do what no other American is allowed to do by law. Insider trading is one thing, when you use confidential information to make stock purchases. But when you actually VOTE one way on a bill knowing that that vote will affect your most recent stock purchase that is an offence in my opinion that should include a jail term.

Just last Thursday she reversed course and is now will to ban insider trading in Congress and wants to put forward a bill that forbids it. This may be the first signal that she intends to retire in 2022 when Democrats lose the House. Of course she supports that position now that she one of the wealthiest House members and sees the writing on the wall. I mean how much more is she entitled to after violating the law from a Presidential law signing in 2012,,,,,,,,,for a decade! Maybe she finally sees that $120 million is enough!

Why would another bill need to be written when “Insider Trading” for even everyday citizens is outlawed and another law signed by Obama forbidding it too?

How about we just start to prosecute them, especially the ones who vote one way for monetary gain!

Read More here:

 See my past article on the Obama law here:


Anonymous said...

They all need to be prosecuted for their crimes!

Anonymous said...

Martha Stewart is shaking her head in disbelief

Carl G said...

Kind of like the old saying “the fox watching the henhouse !” Huh ? 🤯🤬