Saturday, January 8, 2022

Kagan, Breyer, and Sotomayor Moonlight as CNN Reporters


Kagan, Breyer, and Sotomayor Moonlight as CNN Reporters

Al Ritter

We assume that Supreme Court Justices would be the most informed people in our country on so many different subjects but this weeks’ oral arguments on Biden’s Covid Mandates certainly disproved that!

While Justices Roberts and Thomas asked questions about States’ rights vs. Federal rights, the liberal justices went off the rails of sanity and decided to spread flat out lies about the legitimacy of the vaccines.

Kagan started her misinformation by claiming that the best way to stop the spread is to get vaccinated and to wear a mask, neither of which is true.

Breyer then jumped into the fray by claiming that 750 million people tested positive for Covid on Thursday. Obviously he must be taking his number from his equally senile President Joe Biden!

Not to be out done Sotomayor told the largest whopping lie claiming that 100,000 children have been hospitalized with Covid and many are on ventilators.

It’s not hard to see which way these 3 are about to vote, and I can’t help but wonder where these three are getting their information and numbers, certainly NOT from any real source.

One would have to think they get their talking points from the Editorial desk of CNN or Joe Biden himself. Let's not pretend anymore it's not Misinformation, it's LIES!

I am totally disgusted by the lies told by not only our government but now by the same Justices that will decide whether or not the Biden mandates will go through.

I expected more but got far less.

Read More here:

It's as if the Justices got their talking points for Rachael Maddow:

See what the Frontline Doctors did to stop the justices misinformation:

Megan Kelly show:


Robert L said...

No room for close minded ill informed Supreme Court Justices!

Anonymous said...

Their job supposed to be following the Constitution, not spreading lies!

Bud S said...

I expected more also but that goes for most of the government also

Anonymous said...

Could these three be any more obvious in their liberal slant?