Monday, January 3, 2022

When Did Americans Become So Wimpy?


When Did Americans Become So Wimpy?

Al Ritter

Here’s the massive winter storm…>>>>>>

As I sit here watching a winter storm from my man cave I shake my head at the headlines from one meteorologist…MASSIVE WINTER STORM TO HIT EAST COAST! His prediction was pretty funny because it was well into the 60’s yesterday and as we all know in our zone, when that happens the ground isn’t frozen and accumulation is minimal especially on roadways. This same weatherman was claiming that my area (which is smack dab in the middle of his predicted snow Armageddon) isn’t used to seeing snow. Really? Our snowfall average isn’t massive but it does average over 20” annually. Even if it did put down 5-6" it's no big deal here!

Why do these chicken littles of the world try to scare us on a daily basis? His comments amused me as memories of the Blizzard of 1966, 1978, 1982 danced through my head. But one look at him tells me that he is a millennial and never lived through any of those true MASSIVE WINTER STORMS, nor was he so inclined to actually research the comments he was about to make. He had a live shot of the Whitehouse from maybe 1000 yards away and claimed you couldn’t even see the Whitehouse because of blizzard conditions! Actually you couldn't see it because you were so far away you idiot!

This is a real blizzard in the area. >>>>>>>

Even the school system here has fallen into this mentality. They now close when guys like this meteorologist merely claim something is going to happen. In my day the school system didn’t call off classes until mere hours before they were about to open, not the night before.

Covid even seems to be tied to the weather situation as increasingly students are denied even online teaching with Covid mandates, now when classes are cancelled because of “weather” they cancel online learning also. Why can’t kids learn online if they haven’t been vaccinated, and why can’t they have school online if it’s snowing?

I’m trying to avoid the claim that “When I was a kid, we walked 3 miles uphill through 24” of snow to school in the winter.” Sadly the days of school buses driving through 4-6” of snow is long gone. Long gone are the days of the school systems buying chains for their buses, or even teaching their new drivers how to actually drive a bus in the snow. This is the new wimpy America.

Our society has become a bunch of wimpy sheeple, which cave at the mere suggestion of a manufactured impending catastrophe, let alone a real one.

I just don’t seem to understand anymore, did my family’s last generation think the same way about us? Or is it just how I feel about the “milk toast generation?”



Anonymous said...

I joked about the schools closing for the snow until I saw that Baltimore County made the decision last night and even canceled on-line learning. SMH

Keri G said...

It's funny, my husband and I were just talking about this very thing yesterday, and yes the new generation are a band of wimps!

Turk 182 said...

I have to agree, the snow storms we endured as kids were so much worse and we were still be expected to be at school