Thursday, August 8, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz, certainly a curious choice

 Al Ritter

One has to wonder if Tim Walz was Harris’s pick or was he chosen by the same people that instituted the Biden coup?

Honestly the Minnesota Governor doesn’t offer the Harris campaign much in the way of votes, Harris already had that state in the bag. Walz doesn’t offer much in the way of a more moderate stance in policy. He is every bit the radical leftist that Harris is.

They both believe the same things, so all I can say is that, they would just be congratulating each other on bad policy choices.

However the biggest elephant in the room is who Harris didn’t pick. Harris didn’t pick Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. Shapiro has a 61% favorable rating and could have been the key to delivering the swing state of Pennsylvania to the Harris campaign.

The question is…Why wasn’t he chosen over Walz?

I think that this can be explained by exposing the massive hypocrisy in the Democratic Party of late. Although they claim to be the party of diversity, equity, and inclusion, their actions speak quite differently.

There was no DEI considered when picking Walz, Gov. Josh Shapiro wasn’t picked because he is Jewish. The Democrats are siding with the people of Gaza, and as a result the anti-Semitism rampant increase is a product of the radical left.

So Josh Shapiro is a mere casualty in their war against Jews.

Does it make sense? I really don’t think it does when you look at the overall picture because the Democratic Party has made a stance against Jews that may very well sink their party based on racism.

The very thing they accuse everyone else of that doesn’t agree with them!

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Pelham 123 said...

I liked a comment I heard about Walz, "he's an older Gavin Newsom with less hair and a flannel shirt"

Terri o said...

Timmy the Tampon king?

AnnBa said...

There is something really off about this man.

Terry H said...

no he hates america just like her

Robert T said...

A very conceited man who is full of lies!