Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pelosi: “We are very discreet, reptilian, and cold blooded."

 Al Ritter

It’s nice to know when someone finally admits to their underhanded tactics. Nancy Pelosi didn’t just have a slip of the tongue at the DNC convention when she uttered the words, “We are very discreet, reptilian, and cold blooded.” It wasn’t the first time she had said them.

She then proudly announced those words on Anderson Cooper’s show in September of 2023.

She repeated those words at the DNC convention with a gleam in her eye as if this revelation was some sort of badge of courage.

With Nancy Pelosi and her latest lap dog Rep. Jamie Raskin, they both seem to have adopted the idea that “the end always justifies the means.”

Neither will stop at any attempt to keep Donald Trump from being reelected to the Presidency.

In fact their tactics in my opinion enter into the illegal category. That’s just my opinion now, but keep your eyes open for a bombshell in October.

Little Jamie has already claimed that if Trump is elected he will move to invoke the 14 Amendment while the electoral votes are being counted to brand Trump as an insurrectionist (which he’s never been charged with.)

If you really think about it Raskin, as part of the Jan 6th committee tried to claim that Trump had done the exact same thing that he wants to do if Trump gets reelected, that is to disrupt the counting of the Electoral College votes!

Watch Pelosi’s disgusting diatribe here:


Turk 182 said...

Wow! that's pretty much an excellent self description of her horrible personality

Terri o said...

She is an evil witch!

lamther said...

evil bitches!😡

Captain of the Guard said...

And ya gotta love that all-knowing smile from Dame Woodward.

Robert T said...

So true!

Lorraine B said...

For once she tells the truth.

Ray in Lubbock said...

I find it somewhat amusing that she sees those things as redeeming qualities