I have my own set of changes we can believe in, but without doubt it would make HUGE changes in how we live in America, who else is on the ship?
SENATE TERM LIMITS…..let’s limit senators and congress to two terms, everyone else in politics has to do it, why not them?
LINE ITEM VETO FOR THE PRESIDENT…..let’s give the President the power to remove items attached to the bill that has nothing to do with the basic issue
NO MORE SALARY RAISES FOR CONGRESS….with the current problems that the congress has caused in as far as the economic downturn; let’s not reward them.
LET’S REMOVE THE GOLDEN PARACHUTES….for congress, with only two terms under their belts, they retire with 100% of the salary they made while in office, why is this allowed in congress? No other business does it, so why should we allow them to do it?
MAKE CONGRESS PAY HALF OF HEALTH CARE COSTS…..right now they have an exclusive health insurance program that is paid 100%…..do you?
REMOVE SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS TO ILLEGALS….when an illegal is age 65 or older they may collect the benefits WE paid into and not them. Simple dollars in dollars out problem.
RECIND THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACTS OF 1977…. This Carter era act in lending was the start of the world wide financial problems, but after the bailout the law still exists, so it can happen AGAIN.
SUSPEND ALL FOREIGN AID EXCEPT TO ISRAEL …..tough times require tough measures. Take the money we would give to other countries and fix our social security problems.
INSTITUTE THE LABOR LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE….fine companies who hire illegals $10,000 per occurrence, once jobs dry up they will leave on their own.
MAKE EVERY LEGAL TRANSACTION ….having to do with a social security number a “thumbprint” recognition requirement, thereby eliminating fraud. Make this a requirement for voting too!
With only 10 changes, this sounds mild compared to all the promises made by Obama, do you think it can happen? Maybe this is the difference between Republicans and Democrats?
This is a big start. It sounds simple. Great idea!!!
You are such a dreamer!!!! Now prepare for the January nightmare!
I TOTALLY agree with your ‘changes’ that need to, and should be made…
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