Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama's trying to hide the fact that he's a pick-pocket

This just surfaced last night, and it has the effect of not only picking your pocket, but if you are unlucky enough to be a coal miner, you may be looking for new work. As the two candidates stump their policies in the last day, only one of them will actually institute the efficiency of using an abundant commodity in this country, and that is coal. McCain has stated his desire to use "clean burn technologies" in the interim to energy independence.

Some will say......"so what, why do I care about coal?" You can't live in this country and NOT feel the crunch of a the policy that forces elimination of coal. In my home state of Maryland, a deregulation of electric company policy by a democratic administration has caused us to lose the nuclear generated electricity from our only nuclear Calvert Cliffs power plant. The result of this is a 100% coal powered electrical supply.

This will have a devastating effect on the coal industry in states such as PA, OH, and WV.

Barack Obama has admitted in this audio clip that his policies will "bankrupt coal fired power plants", and the electric supply will rise to an "incredibly high" level. One of the corner stones of his campaign has been ......"are better off now then you were 8 years ago?" At least he won't have to answer this question, he already has by this admission!
Watch this video............unbelievable!


Anonymous said...

With regard to this statement...

Some will say......"so what, why do I care about coal?" You can't live in this country and NOT feel the crunch of a the policy that forces elimination of coal. In my home state of Maryland, a deregulation of electric company policy by a democratic administration has caused us to lose the nuclear generated electricity from our only nuclear Calvert Cliffs power plant. The result of this is a 100% coal powered electrical supply.

Can you please tell me... If Marylanders are not using the electricity generated at Calvert Cliffs, who is? I truly do not know.

And by the way, I have a question for you... If wind and solar energy and increased energy efficiency measures could possibly replace coal and nuclear energy in the future, would you support cleaner, safer, healthier energy sources for Maryland?

republican patriot said...

Thank you for intelligent questions. As you probably already know Parris Glendening deregulated BGE. BGE was taken over by Constellation Energy. As a by-product of the deregulation, the advantage of supplying us with nuclear energy was no longer required. The result of the deregulation was to give that nuclear energy to commercial customers in VA. The difference between .13 per kilowatt hour and .06 is way too much for us as customers to absorb, which is one reason our electric bills have more then doubled.

I agree with solar and wind electric generation, and wished it could help us more, I fear as I said in my blog that, although the Pickens plan for more of those two sources might be rather naive. Boone has large stakes in wind power, and if he can obtain more permits to create more wind farms, more power to him. (no pun intended) America, through many ecological groups has blocked nuclear, gasoline refineries, and wind plants under the idea of "not in my back yard". Ted Kennedy blocked a wind farm off the coast of his state even though it couldn't be seen from his shore. These blocked programs that don't cause pollution should be a crime in my eyes.........but I fear I am only one voice of many.

I support McCain's idea of burning coal under clean coal scrubbers as a cross over plan only. We do need to eventually change us into a cleaner and a more renewable source, but not to cleanly cut off by way of a "date" to make all of our present technologies obsolete. For example to make the second largest purchase of American's(cars) obsolete, will hit us with yet another undo hardship. And if in MD we have 100% coal fired power plants, and Obama's plan is instituted, it will be yet another hardship, for the sake of an "unsure outcome"

Thanks for your question Cathy I hope I helped.